The Battle for Malaysia

Day 738, 18:39 Published in China Philippines by Sol HQ

Hello Citizens,

Yesterday, former PEACE GC nations launched major attacks across the globe, these were preceded by attacks from the eUK with the purpose to drain strength from the opposition countries. The Countries which were attacked by the former PEACE GC included one of Sol's own member countries, the devoutly neutral Malaysia. Today, we have seen Malaysia's capital (Peninsular Malaysia) taken by Indonesian forces, after several weeks of sporadic attacks.

Sol and its allies put up an impressive defense, one which we should be very proud of, pushing the battle into overtime for 10 minutes, constantly dancing around the bottom line, but should work on improving further. Special thanks to France, who have finally found their calling in standing up for the smaller fighter--for that they are to be commended greatly, and I speak for all of us when I say that we extend a hand of friendship and cooperation toward the French. It seems that in these dark days, a strong military presence is what is required for survival, for words of peace now fall on deaf ears. As Malaysia demonstrates, neutrality is very difficult to maintain when you have neighbors like Indonesia, but there is still much hope for Malaysia--the fight is not over.

We urge all Ministries of Defense across Sol to change the official orders to defending Sarawak. This is crucial to the survival of both Malaysia and Sol. We can fight this together, all we need to be is unified and enthusiastic in our approach. Sol is committed to defending its allies and citizens to the best of its ability and will continue to stand by Malaysia through these attacks.

Please commit your greatest efforts to fighting in Sarawak. The time for idleness in military means while we focus on alliance structure is now gone.

For further questions, feel free to contact Sol Military Commander Garven Dreis, who will be formulating our responses on the battlefield.

Nolite reverti Sol;
don't turn back.

Frank Furglar
Sol Citizen

Sol Vizier

Garven Dreis
Sol Military Commander