The Ambassador Program

Day 1,663, 19:31 Published in India India by DonMogul

I would like to thank Octavius Dryst (all bow before his awesome glory!) for appointing me as the Head of Ambassadors. I'll be working to build on Commius' excellent work in the previous term.

My first act as HoA is to attempt to lighten the workload for the current set of Ambassadors. While there are freaks like me who can manage 4 countries at once (Hey, I've had a lot of spare time since I became single again!) there are a few who have *gasp* lives! I will ensure that no one ambassador needs to keep track of more than 2 nations.

The first step is to call for Ambassador Applications. Current ambassadors need to re-apply or be considered uninterested in continuing

Like the previous term, Ambassadors are placed in Departments where one ambassador will be chosen to be the head of that department along with their normal ambassadorial duties. These Departments Heads meet with me once a week to give a summary of the work and news of the ambassadors in their department.

Ambassadorships containing one country are perfect for those who want to serve their nation but have lives unlike DonMogul!

Ambassadorships available are:

Department of the Americas:
1- U.S., Canada
2- Mexico
2- Colombia, Venezuela
3- Bolivia, Paraguay
4- Uruguay, Chile
5- Argentina, Brazil

Department of Western Europe
6- Ireland, UK
7- Netherlands, Belgium
8- Portugal and Spain
9- France

Department of Central Europe:
10- Denmark, Norway
11- Sweden, and Finland
12- Germany, Austria
13- Czech Republic, Slovakia
14- Italy, Switzerland
15- Slovenia Hungary

Department of Eastern Europe:
16- Lithuania, Latvia
17- Belarus, Estonia
18- Poland and Ukraine
19- Russia

Department of the Balkans:
20- Croatia, Bosnia
21- Montenegro, Albania
22- Serbia, Macedonia
23- Greece, Turkey
24- Romania, Moldova
25- Bulgaria

Department of Africa, Asia, and Oceania:
26- China, Israel
27- Egypt, Saudi Arabia
28- UAE, Iran
29- Pakistan, Taiwan
30- North Korea, South Korea
31- Japan, Thailand
32- Australia, New Zealand
33- Indonesia, Malaysia
34- Philippines Singapore
35- South Africa

And now for a 100 INR bonus! Pick the link to the form in your first try and submit a valid application! HINT: There is a popular saying about multiple choice tests.

A -
B -
C -

Current Ambassadors please be good fellows and tell your relevant nations that there may be new people coming in soon!