Tenshibo Still Gonna Get Some CP

Day 1,319, 17:43 Published in South Africa USA by GoneAndGone

I am Tenshibo. I was CEP, but not no more. Now, let's RAP!

That's right. RAP - Real Alternative Party, has decided to push me forward for the Country President position!

First things first, I'd like to thank them for allowing me this opportunity after I was thrown aside by CEP.

Speaking of thrown aside, let's talk more about what I'm going to do as CP. Now, I've already released my platform http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/tenshibo-for-july-president-1809420/1/20 and I hope you all have or will read it.

But now, I wish to talk about Brazil. Brazil is being slammed, and hard. As CP, I plan on supporting them in their troubles. We shall help them reclaim regions and fight back THEIR oppressors. Now, some of you may say, "This isn't our war to fight!" To which I respon😛 It wasn't out war. But, we were dragged in. So, we can either stand by our friends, or say F you, and screw them so more. Well, Brazil has stood by us, so now it's our turn to stand by them. Brazil: we got your back under my watch.

Now, I want to address a minority. This minority shall be called "those against." To you, all I have to say is this: don't be bullied into changing. Some people may call you terrorists, traitors, etc. But, you know you're not. I know you're not. You're a minority with strong beliefs. This term, should you elect me, I hope to convince you that helping Brazil is the right thing, the best thing to do. If I can't, thats fine. Keep doing what you're doing, and know this administration has no plans to try and sepress or hinder your ability to tell me to Frak off (unless you do something illegal, then it's out of my hands, sorry) But, should you join us, I'll give you some Ten-love 😃

ALL right, that's all I have to say as of now. Please, this Tuesday, on the ballot, you'll see 3 names: Crumoet, Chubbzilla, and Tenshibo. Vote Tenshibo, because anyone can get a "C", but it takes a true champion to get a "T" (c wut i dud thair?)
