Ten's Last Word Before Elections

Day 1,322, 14:29 Published in South Africa USA by GoneAndGone

So, tomorrow is the big day. Well, not really big, it's 24hours like anyother day. (HAHAHAHAHA... I hope that was funny)

So, some of you may be thinking, "Ten, why should I vote for you?" To which I would respond, "Shit, why you asking me? 😃" But in all actuality, I can't tell you, I really can't. The person I am doesn't boast about how sexy he is, why he is perfect, or why he should have your vote. Instead, I direct you to two things. One, is my previous articles about this CP race, which you may read here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/tenshibo-for-july-president-1809420/1/20
and here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/tenshibo-still-gonna-get-some-cp-1812257/1/20
They show what I plan to accomplish in this term.

However, why believe me? Well, don't, if you wish not. Talk to my supporters like Mark Morcom, Al Kazar, Nick Jones, and many many others. Or, talk to those who DON'T support me instead. They will tell you what's good and bad about me, and then you can decide for yourself.

Tomorrow, the 5th of July, you will vote for either me, crumoet, or Chubbzilla. My only request when you vote is this: Don't vote because someone is your friend, party member, your party supports them, or they paid you 😛, vote for who you feel will lead this country the best, who will be the best man to bring us through these hard times and into victory, and finally: vote for who's name begins with a 'T' 😃 (I kid, i kid)

Thank you for reading and for your support,
Tenshibo (the candidate whose name begins with a 'T')