TCO Endorse's Addy, TOP 5 BABY!!!, NCAP Stuff and Hotties

Day 1,505, 17:58 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

The Crimson Order political party has made it to the big leagues and will continue to push for the #1 spot and beyond, it continues to be our main goal to cultivate an atmosphere of inclusion and well being for new players.

In the TCO’s first CP endorsement vote Addy Lawrence won by a large majority as seen on this pie chart

Chewytaz backed out of the elections during the vote and Rylde unfortunately did not seek our endorsement until the vote was well underway, it is the responsibility of the candidates to seek the endorsement.

While we as a party endorse Addy for CP on January 5th all TCO members are encouraged to vote for who they believe will be the best person for the job. A few issues where raised during the vote such as adding an option of “none of the above”. This will be dealt with after the elections, its all a part of our continuous evolution into eCanada’s premier political party

The New eCanadian Assistance Program has been moving along nicely and have helped a number of new eCanadians with food and weapons donations enabling them to achieve a higher rank faster and in some cases finish game missions. At the moment the NCAP is TCO’s main priority and will continue to support new players to try and establish a realistic and sustainable babyboom..or a baby crawl.

If anyone would like to contribute to the NCAP please send food,weapons or money donations to me and ill make sure it gets used. All donations will be kept track of and publicized in all future TCO articles.

I’d like to thank FRITZHILL for a great donation to increase the NCAP’s effectiveness in reaching out to new players and giving them a good headstart.

I’d like to also thank all the members who continuously check the NCAP section of the forums and donate what they can when they can to eligible candidates.

Party Founders are those that were among the first members and contributed 2 gold to its creation

Eric Last
C. Buzz
Jack DeMolay
Lion El'Jonson
Decode Masala
Arthur Ward