Taking Back the Party

Day 2,413, 16:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

I must be totally mad... I threw my hat in the ring for PP.

Why on earth? Because I want to see TUP restored to being a party of integrity, a party where those who value balance and an ability to work with others can help lead the eUK back to some semblance of sanity.

Sanity has been in short supply around here for the past few months.

What are my qualifications? In eRep, I am Chancellor of eBrit University, which I founded as a way to help mentor new citizens. I scrambled up largely on my own, learning whatever I could largely by yelling for information. I admit, I probably irritated everyone in government at that time. But I hope I helped usher in an era of explanation, if not transparency. We still have a way to go, but we're much better than we used to be.

I'm still active in the NHS, and have served in Congress as a member and then as Minister of Education. Do I know all about what goes on in government? Heck, no! See previous paragraph! But at least I try to learn and to help others learn too.

In RL I was a senior manager/management consultant/troubleshooter for a large London Borough, then on moving to the US I became an expert in medical coding and insurance, running several medical facilities. If nothing else, it taught me effective fighting skills, trying to wrest the best for our patients from greedy insurance companies!

Do I want this job? I'd really much rather someone more experienced in the nuances of eRep and the eUK were standing - someone I could trust, someone with integrity, someone who wasn't using us as a springboard to the CP and the keys to the treasury. Do I ever want to be CP? HECK NO!!! That's a job for a masochist with severe insomnia and the skin of a rhinoceros!

A vote for me is a vote for stability, for integrity and against PTOs. I've been in TUP since I started in eRep and I want my party to be the party of common sense and integrity. This last month or so, all that has been gone out the window. Help me open the window and bring it back in!