Day 450, 01:04 Published in Singapore Indonesia by Masila

Singapore is a new country in the new world. This country is a single region country that shares border with Malaysia and Indonesia. The most important thing that must we do is to invite people to this country. You can do this with:
1. PM foreign people or create article so people abroad to our country.
2. Invite your friends at RL to play this game (especially if you are a Singapore Citizen)
3. Spread invitation in your forum, and get a lot of people to play this game, and also invite them to this country
The more citizen we have, the more our nation will grow. But it's not stop when we have a lot of people. We must have a good climate in this country. This is it:

Please stop to intimidate another citizen. They are all human which have a heart and an emotion. Let's togather build this country in solidarity, friendship and faith that this will be a great country.

Internal Politic
Debate is a good start to make a democracy. But maybe we can make it better with some "mediator". If everyone create an article to counter another people article, this will not finished and only make our media is full with dishes. Then if you see our political page, there's only a party. This is not good off course. Democracy will work with at last two party so people can debate and search the better way. So, if you have 40 Gold, create a new party. If you dont have, ask your friends to make it togather.
External Politic
Sooner or later, we must make a relationship with another country, especially our neighbour. And then the neighbour of our neighbour. With Malaysia, keep contact and helping each other will be great because the two are the newest country and still need a lot of lesson to study. And if you know, there's a people in Malaysia that has been a President of Japan at Beta Version. He must have a lot of experience about how to run a small country and make a pose at the eWolrd condition.
With Indonesia, we must have a good relationship. As you know, Indonesia is one of the greatest country at Erepublik, at Economy, Society and off course at Military. Make them an enemy means disaster for us. But dont scare, they will not invade us, at last this 1.5 month 😁.
Speaking about alliance, maybe we should a non block country, not join Peace neither Atlantis. But i think make an eASEAN (search at WIKI about ASEAN!) is nice i think.

Food is the first need at RL and Erep, so we must have enough stock of food if we want to survive at every world. In this country, we have a single company, a food company. Good, we have one, but bad we have only one. We must have at last two company so they can compete at price and not establish a monopoly market at our country. To produce food, the company need grain, and thank God, we have this raw material at our country. But is it good to make a grain company? If you have the food company then thats good, if not, it relly bad. Because of what? Our grain is only at medium level. It's much better if you make the grain company at another country which have High Level of Grain. Not trust me? Then go on and you know the truth.
After food, we need gift, the second need in this eWorld. Creating a gift company will be good in this near days. But wait, we dont have the RM!!! This time, the relationship with another country will speak. We must import the diamoind so our gift company can live. Indonesia is the best investor of this RM, because they have some high quality of diamond. For your information, only 4 region in this eWorld is blessed with high diamond, and Indonesia have two of them.
Another company is no need at our first days, but if the grow of citizen is great, we can establish the next company, housing.

Please make a good situation of living. How come? With make a great article. If our media is full with a junk article or spamming article, than people dont live well. Then they are all start to leave this country. In a lot of country there's a rule which said "One Article a Day". If it's not very very important, dont make more than one article a day. If you see my article, it is in the different day. This one at Day 450, and the other is at Day 449.

That's all
Looks like i'm tired now and want to take a walk (RL) 😁. Goodbye for now, and see you later.
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