Suggestion For Candidate Presidents

Day 1,140, 04:44 Published in Greece Greece by Makedonissa
This article is written as a suggestion for all the Candidate Presidents of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Republic of Moldova, FYRoM, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro

Dear Candidates,
I write this article as an idea, a suggestion, an incentive for thought for those that wish to run for President in the above mentioned countries.
I recently wrote another article about a possible Balkan League, which drew a lot of comments both positive and negative on the issue. It is my intention to continue this initiative and show to all of you that there is room for negotiation and there is room for re-considering of the old ways and formations.

I took a look at the map. What I saw is stunning. A lot of regions with grain, a lot of regions with iron, a lot of regions with secondary resources (deer, fruits etc), a region with oil but also no rubber, no salt.
For those that can understand game mechanics, this means a geographical area that could bring us close and make us join forces and eventually make us rich and powerful as countries.

Then I took a look at the other two sides, to our left and our right. What I saw there is a potential for a few more strong alliances that could possibly dominate either Europe or Asia or even both.
Central Europe or maybe the rest of Europe has also everything in abundance. Asia too. On the other side of the e-Atlantic shore there is also every raw material gathered.

What we are facing here is the formation of new regional alliances. Already PANAM is re-born and re-formed, an Asian alliance is in the papers and talks of a Central-European alliance have began. What are we waiting for?
We are obviously waiting for the RL passions to be forgotten? That would take ages and maybe even our RL great grand children will not live to see it.
Then what? The in-game passions to be forgotten? But wait! What is the key word in this phrase?

All the above mentioned countries have RL open issues with their neighbors. Inevitable since hundreds of years of co-existing can only lead to this. But here, in the New World, we have a chance to do things in a different way.
No matter what the actual reasons were, Greeks and Serbs, RL friends, have found themselves in enemy alliances and have being fighting each other for almost 2 years now.
On the other hand, Croats and Serbs, could not forget their RL differences and joined in opposite alliances.
These two examples show that there is room for a different approach of things.
This is a game and in a virtual world we can make things different, virtual.

Lets be virtual friends and if we cannot be friends at least lets virtually work together for the benefit of our own countries and peoples and also for the benefit of our union. We have many things to share and a few (although important, I know) that divide us.
Lets keep it simple.
Why? Because this is not Real Life.

The same thing I am asking from everyone else, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians and so on.
Lets work together and give the finest example of people playing a game. The admins have, and will continue so, created a system that is draining us all by the continuous wars and battles and the Natural Enemy proposal. They are making changes to force us spend more gold that is withdrawing from the market and our pockets.
The fighting will never stop, but at the end, this fighting will turn against all those that haven't realized which one is the best solution. And at the moment, the best solution in our region is the Balkan League. Dont think that we will not find countries to fight with. There are plenty around us. And dont think that old ties and bonding that happened during fights and alliances of the past will stop to exist. We can all have the same fun "shooting" our ex-allies or fighting along side our ex-enemies.

So this my plead to the Candidate Presidents of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Republic of Moldova, FYRoM, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro.

At least start talking. Discussion and exchange of ideas and suggestions is always the base of a better future. Meet each other on irc channels and start talking about our future. I am saying again that we are not close to form a new alliance. But we definitely need to be prepared for the future since we all understand that there will be a moment that the bigger alliances will start dissolving (This is a quote from my previous article and already Phoenix is falling apart).

Thank you for your patience and I am looking forward a constructive discussion at the comments. Dont tell me "never gonna happen", "not with them", "fail", "xxx and yyy can never be friends". I am not talking about friends, I am not asking you to give your daughter to your RL enemy. I am asking you to play the game in the best possible way, and this best possible way right now is the formation of the Balkan League.

Thank you