Sol Wargames and the Sol Alliance -- Confusion Abound

Day 697, 15:57 Published in Australia Philippines by Sol HQ

Due to the confusion over the two's governance, here's a brief explanation of how the two work.

Sol Alliance
Who runs it? The Sol Security Council, made up of representatives from Australia, China, the Philippines, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, and Pakistan, along with the elected Sol Chairman.

What does it do? The Sol Alliance is a (semi)regional alliance based in Asia currently working on establishing itself before expanding its purpose. Focuses on stability and peacefulness.

Sol Wargames
Who runs it? The participants of the wargames vote on each new participant, pricing changes, and generally everything else. Malayasia and the Philippines have veto power over admission.

What does it do? It manages and holds the Sol Wargames

Where's the confusion?
Sol Resolution O0001, by using the granted power by Malaysia (Which was a tenuous link at best), attempted to settle the issue of admitting the Theocratic Nation of South Korea into the Sol Wargames. Needless to say, it was disastrous and since then Nagyzee, the organizer of the Sol Wargames, has really stepped it up when it comes to organizing the votes for new participants and keeping them involved, whereas before the participants were so small it didn't seem necessary. This 'decision' by Malaysia/Sol is why we have a new RW started by Alfagrem every day in Thailand/Malaysia. Resolution O0001 has been repealed by Resolution O0002.

Additionally, both use the same forums and name for the sake of convenience.

I hope that clears at least a little bit of the confusion up.

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Chairman Hekter