Sol: On The Subject Of Australia

Day 761, 13:17 Published in Malaysia Philippines by Sol HQ

Hello Citizens,
This article has been brought to you, by me, Frank Furglar, as a request from Chairman Erius. As you may know, Brazil recently invaded Australia, causing Sol to go on a defensive strike against Brazil, protecting eAustrailia's regions. But wait, Brazil and Australia don't border? Actually, now they do, after a series of region swaps by eSouth Africa in their attempt to prevent another PTO befalling them.

I would like to start by encouraging countries from across Sol and indeed, across the global community, to begin sending soldiers to eAustralia to help defend it against the Phoenix alliance (Brazil etc). It is of paramount importance that eAustralia remains completely intact, something which we should all work towards. This fight for Austrailia is also a good test of unity within Sol, we need to stay unified against all outside threats and protect our members, there have already been large contributions of firepower from within Sol to eAustralia, we would like to see even more, to ensure that eAustrailia has the best chance possible.

Currently, the situation in eAustralia is not looking the best, we admit, however, Sol has been in a somewhat similar situation before (eMalaysia), eAustralia has lost Western Austrailia and their Northern Territory, which is obviously not ideal. However, we must strike back against the Brazilian force with the greatest force that Sol can offer as an alliance, we must unify and protect. eAustralia can also expect help from its friends in the EDEN alliance, most notably, the eUS, so eAustralia is certainly not alone in the world.

Many people have also been speculating on the position of eSouth Africa within Sol, after President Schumacher committed the country to these region swaps. There has been much anger and much loss of respect towards eSouth Africa, being eSouth African myself, I have heard much of it. However, Chairman Erius is very clear on the fact that eSouth Africa are still members of Sol and should be treated as such, eSouth Africa betrayed eAustrailia, but not intentionally. It is unfair to punish an entire nation for one misjudged and ill thought out policy, especially as eSouth Africa values their membership to Sol very highly.

In conclusion, it is of paramount importance that Sol sticks together and instead of pointing the finger or trying to stand in the way of progress, tries to move forward and tries to fight for the freedom of one of its members. eAustrailia has served Sol well, now it is time for Sol to serve eAustralia. As a friend and as a brother.

Frank Furglar
Deputy Director of Sol Media and Communications
eSouth African Minister of Education
eSouth Africa Health Center Chairman