Sol Information: Knowledge Is Power

Day 752, 13:28 Published in Malaysia Philippines by Sol HQ

Hello Citizens,

It is with great pleasure that today, Sol formally announces the creation of its new Media and Communications department. This department has been set up to ensure that as Sol expands, communication improves and we keep Sol citizens constantly informed of events and other important information. Media is always something which Sol should have been good at, and now, has the chance to be very good at, with the appointing of a new department to handle such matters.

This new department will be headed by Hekter and his deputy, Frank Furglar (me), who will strive to bring the best in communication through a variety of forms to Sol citizens. We aim, as a department to enlighten, educate and inform. The purpose of this article is to introduce our department while informing the global community of a few basic SolFacts which may come in handy.

Communicating with Sol
Sol is a community of friendly citizens who want what's best for both Sol and the eWorld which we live in today, especially after our recent globalisation announcement, and we spend a great deal of time communicating with eachother both formally and informally. The primary way we do this is through our IRC channel and forums, which can be found in the following places:

The Forums
The forums are a great place to find Sol Information and to talk with Sol members on a little more formalised basis, the forums are a key tool for communication and play a great part in the Sol alliance itself. Join up today and see what the forums can offer you.

The IRC Channel
Sol IRC can be found at the following channel: #Sol
The IRC is a great place for informalised and formalised discussion alike, come along and talk with leading members of our alliance as well as average citizens of our alliance and the global community. The IRC is an interesting and fun place to be.

Sol Member Nations
The following are the current official member nations of the Sol alliance:

South Africa

There are many observer nations as well. These nations make up all that is the new expanding Sol, which provides a strong link between different cultures and different outlooks encouraging strong international relationships whilst instilling a sense of community. Sol is an emerging alliance unlike any other, one which provides friendship and brotherhood, not war and hate (Although we do have our fair share of TWs!).

A Welcome
We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome the new Sol Chairman, Erius, former President of Singapore, and wish him good luck with the challenges which this term presents. We are sure that his strong leadership will be crucial to Sol progressing into a new age of prosperity.

Frank Furglar
Deputy Director of Sol Media and Communications
Director of Sol Media and Communications