Sol Charter Reform Begins: C0002 & C0003

Day 690, 23:25 Published in Australia Philippines by Sol HQ

Note: This article was written about a week ago, but is still very relevant 🙂

Despite the importance of the latest reforms and changes being put into effect within the Sol charter, there has been little attention to them by the various governments and Solite populaces, and, so, by beginning to write about each of the various proposals and amendments that have already taken effect and are being proposed, I hope that you may begin to be as excited as I am about these new changes 😃


Resolution C0002: Amending Articles 7 and 9

Full text available here.

C0002 changed a previously fundamental element of voting on Resolutions: letting the Advisory Representatives vote. Previously, Advisory Representatives could only just look at the topics, discuss resolutions, and, well, advise and work with the President/Representative when it came voting time. However, from what we've seen over the 2 months of voting, Country Presidents often appoint themselves as the Country Representative, and, in the business of the Presidency, often forget to show up to Resolution votes, ending with things like a huge thing like the Resolution O0001 (Theocratic Wargame Resolution) to be passed with only three countries participating.

In response to this, C0002 was born to eliminate this problem: let the Presidentially-appointed Advisory Representatives, who often are not near as busy as the poor President, have a vote that can be overruled by the Country Representative. This helps more resolutions get passed with more votes, and gives even more of a reason for Advisory Representatives (who tend to be the most active anyway) to stick around and banter about Resolutions and proposals, which is always a good thing.


Resolution C0003: Amending Articles 10 and 9

Full text available here.

C0003 is mainly an internal change, springing off the developments of C0002 and enacting new restrictions on voting and discussions, mainly, that discussions can go past the 48-hour period if requested by 40% of nations, 60% required attendance in a Resolution vote, and mandatory notifications sent out by the Chairman in the event of an Emergency Resolution vote. Pretty basic internal stuff, and it additionally cleans up the voting process for Chairman, in which the participants in the vote must announce their candidacy on the forums and then have the Security Council Vote for the chairman on the 9th of the month, having us with a new chairman on the 10th of each month. Anyone within Sol this month knows of the confusion when it came around to getting the Chairman elected this time around, eventually ending with nothing getting done at all in that regard (Philippines nominated someone who didn't want to run [Nagyzee], and it was never changed.)


Thanks for reading, and tomorrow we'll be exploring C0004, C0005, and C0006!

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Chairman Hekter