Sol Charter Re-Write v2 (eThailand)

Day 938, 20:40 Published in Thailand Philippines by Sol HQ

Dear Sol Citizens and Governments,

For the past few months, there has been the question of the future of the Sol alliance, or what is left of it. Chairman's have come and gone promising reforms or sweeping changes, with much deliberation and endless gridlock on the Sol forums. The alliance is becoming increasingly inactive to the point that ordinary citizens within member countries have little information on the debates within the Security Council. Within this context, various people have risen to the challenge to tackle the problems of charter reform. Some Chairman's within the alliance's history are famous for the reforms and charter changes they were able to put into place, while others have become infamous for past dealings and clashes with member countries. Whatever the case, the alliance has had many growing pains over its history, most of which however remained unsolved.

From the start, Sol was never made to be a military organization; rather, the alliance was drafted on the principles of diplomatic cooperation and more communication between countries. As the burdens of creating a military settled in, money would have to be collected to fund SOLders and new cabinet positions would need to be created. All of the intertwining bureaucracy ontop of bureaucracy ontop of bureaucracy created a network so complex that it would make many of the RL countries of the world seem like efficiently run governments. Then of course, entered the battles between the Security Council and the Chairman over the new organizations of the alliance and the wording of the charter, turning a badly run bureaucracy into a comedy club for all of those who had a ticket.

Red Tape = bad adhesive

But the blame game aside, nothing has changed, the alliance has stagnated, and the leaving of Japan, Australia, and South Africa highlight how ineffective Sol has been in the past in protecting member interests. Make no mistake, this is not an attack on all of the Sol nations, but a mere reflection upon the disapproval by former members at the organization itself.

This is the point where Chairman Jelly9473 enters the current climate, and setting all conflicts aside, it has been his goal from day 1 (one, uno) to reform and/or replace the current structure of the Sol Alliance into a more effective organization that at least knows what direction it is going in. After witnessing how torpid the forum has moved along with Sol reformation, it is within the Chairman's full belief that the only logical method left to fix the charter is by going beyond the forums and having one giant meeting of everybody and anybody of the Sol Alliance to settle the issue of the Charter once and for all:

The Sol Alliance Charter Convention

Sol Charter: Some Assembly Required

Who?: Anyone who wants to! Current Security Council Members, Local Politicians, Army Veterans, etc. The point is to draw as many "big wigs" from the member countries as possible to organize a wide range of opinions as to where to move forward. Make sure you bring plenty of ideas, typing capabilities, and plenty of fluids and snacks.

When? June 18th, 2010 at 16:00 eRep Time

Where? #SolConvention @

How? Over the course of the Convention, Jelly and I will be moderating debate and allowing those who wish to present ideas about how to fix the Sol alliance in a somewhat structured manner, giving time for people to openly debate one another and then (hopefully) having people draft and edit proposed charter sections. This is a long-drawn out task, so anticipate aging a few years from stress. 😛

Hope that you can make it!


Myung Kei (Chairman "Confidant&quot😉

(TL😉R: Alliance is dead, so we are trying to breath it back to life on Friday on the IRC. )