Sol Chairman Candidates - A Brief Look

Day 840, 14:11 Published in Singapore Philippines by Sol HQ

With the Sol Chairman elections today, I had the opportunity to briefly sit down with the two candidates (There were three, but Soheil withdrew after Kryteshift entered the race late yesterday.) to discuss some very basic elements of their goals. Tomorrow we will announce the winners of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman elections, and hopefully interview the winner of the Vice-Chair position, whose candidates are Ex0m7 and Albert Neurath.

Kryteshift – Singapore
What positions have you served in previously?
I've served in the Singaporean government as Minister of Finance since November, essentially (I was President and had to appoint an MoF of my own 😛), and just got off a term as President of Singapore. I've been in Singapore's congress three times, and have been head of Singapore's Torchwood (the deployable unit of our military) since New Year’s Day. In Sol, I've been a Rep or Advisory Rep ever since my one month as MoFA of Singapore last October in every month except one.

What is the most important facet of Sol that you hope to change or develop?
Right now the most important issue facing Sol is the identity of the alliance. I hope to keep it neutral while strengthening the military, political, and cooperative aspects of Sol.

What are your main goals for the chairmanship?
My main goals are to make sure that we give SolDiers the start up funding they need, separate the political and military ruling bodies of Sol, establish an ATO team, and establish an effective system of communication for national militaries to work together.

The SolDiers have been a large part of the Enoch chairmanship--can you state briefly your plans for military action in Sol?
For Military action, I want to give the Sol Commander more autonomy, and get the majority of "start up" funding that SolDiers needs done. I think we need to explore any and all options of securing Liaoning, and, if any options seem within grasp, to go for the whole hog. In addition, I think we need to do everything within our power to bring South Africa back under its own control, and if that necessitates military action we will carry through with it.

Sir Valaro Volcrum – Israel
What positions have you served in previously?
Two Terms PP (two countries), two terms Congress (two countries), former General of the US Mobile Infantry, founder and former Commandant of the South African shock Troopers, former Israeli Minister of Defense, former Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs.

What is the most important facet of Sol that you hope to change or develop?
Our membership. We need to expand to other neutral nations as well as build up our capacity to ensure mutual defense.

What are your main goals for the chairmanship?
Expand; Remove Phoenix from occupied territories in Sol nations; Ensure regional stability; Ensure SolDiers is effectively funded and operational.

The SolDiers have been a large part of the Enoch chairmanship--can you state briefly your plans for military action in Sol?
Expand SolDiers to our operational goal of forty deployable strike force members and ensure it is properly funded. The rest is left up to whoever the Sol Commander is.

Thank you to both candidates and good luck!

Additionally, as the Charter mandates, this org and paper should move to South Africa, the next Host Nation. However, with South Africa not on the map, the org will move to Western Australia, in honor of all the troops fighting there for its survival.

Director of Sol Communications