Sol, a Defensive Pact.

Day 943, 08:52 Published in Thailand Philippines by Sol HQ

A few days ago Sol held a meeting to discuss it's future, and to discuss its charter. It was a bold move to bring together players from this alliance who at times do not get along.

This was one of the first times in a LONG time I've seen Sol act as one, voting unanimously as ONE to move towards a better future. In attendance were players from all countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Israel, Philippines, (Unfortunately players from China and Bolivia were not in attendance, most likely due to RL timezone issues) and the Chairman, Jelly9473, Vice-Chairman, Albert, and Sol "Guru", Myung Kei. Observers from South Korea also were in attendence.

The meeting went on for over 4 hours. The first 2 hours were spent discussing whether or not to destroy the Charter or not, but in the end a unanimous vote led to the destruction of Sol's current charter and a move to build a new one.

In the next two hours we began the discussion on Chairman powers ending with the idea that a chairman should retain having a vote in proposals, but not a veto.

The biggest move was to decide that Sol is no longer an alliance, but a defensive pact between nations of the New World who agree that if we work together we can build a new charter built on the idea's of defense and equal representation.

Sol will be holding meetings weekly now to rebuild our contract and move ourselves closer, and closer to reaching a new peak, and still continuing to rise.

Decisions were also made that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and SolDiers leaders shall remain in power until a new charter is fully created, unless there is reason to remove them from that power.
In the rebuilding of the charter each nation, and the Chairman will have a vote on everything, but for anything to pass we must have a unanimous agreement.

The next meeting will be on day 943 (Today) at 17:00 erepublik time on the IRC channel #SolConference, anyone and everyone involved in Sol is allowed to attend so I hope to see you all there!