Shabado for North East of England Congress

Day 911, 12:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

inb4wtfthisisntapopulationstatsarticle. 🙂

Hello Citizens of the North East. My Names Kevy Kev Kev Junior Shabado (Kevy for Short) and I have decided to run for a second term in Congress on the 25th representing The Unity Party.

What to expect and my experience

A little bit about me: I consider myself to be an active Citizen of the new world. I joined Erepublik in July 2009 (and haven't looked back since. Hardworker medals tell me I've been on here 293 days in a row 😁) As I have been around a long time I have a wide variety of knowledge. However, my attitude is that you never get to a stage where you have learnt it all; sometimes you have to take a back seat and listen to other peoples opinions (the voters), which is exactly what I want to do if reelected into Congress. 😃

My political experience: I am still very new to the political side of this game, but being new is nothing bad. When I was writing my first manifesto last month I didn't have any experience but I've been able to take opportunities as they have arisen to try and do the best that I can for the eUK. Listed below is my current Political experience (all achieved in 1 month 😃)

- Congressman for the North East
- Apprentice to the Ministry of ??? Profit
- Vice Party President of The Unity Party

I, myself am quite proud of what I have achieved over the last month and it's all thanks to joining the eUK forums and fully getting involved in politics. If any of the people reading this are one of those people who hasn't really got involved into this game yet I strongly suggest joining the forums. It's a lot of fun and you get to interact with a lot of people. (Link to UK forums at the bottom of this manifesto)

Congress Goals

Setting goals for anything is always good. I can look back at the end and see how well I have performed. These were the goals I set from my last term.

1) Vote for all bills on the forums - Yes.
2) Vote for all proposal in game - Yes.
3) Help relocate new players in the North East to fortress London - Yes. I messaged people above 40 wellness and managed to get a fair few people to London. 😃
4) Keep in contact with players in the North East through PMs so that I can get your views into Congress - Yes. I did a few Messaging Campaigns. 😁
5) Quality 2 Hospital - >_>

As you can see I have achieved all of the serious goals that I set myself during my last congress term. This term I have somewhat similar goals which you can read below:

1) Vote for all bills on the forums
2) Vote for all proposals in game
3) Weekly PMs to the people of the North East to keep you guys updated on anything of public importance that I'm allowed to discuss whilst encouraging people to move to London (Since London is the only region with a hospital; it's our key region that will allow you to fight and regain wellness) 😃
4) Continue to message new players to get onto the forums and contact the gifting hub if wellness is needed.


In conclusion, I'm not going to offer you anything different to other candidates, I'm not going to offer tax cuts, new hospitals etc that some people are doing. Instead I offer commitment to the game and friendliness to newer players who seek guidance whilst keeping North East of England Recruits up to date with information on how they can be awesome for their country.

I hope I can count on your vote on the 25th!

Kevy Shabado 😉" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />