Shabado for North East of England Congress

Day 885, 17:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

...that's the worst name I've ever heard. (10 points if you can get where my name comes from. I cannot put the Youtube link in this article. :3)

Hello Citizens of the North East. My Names Kevy Kev Kev Junior Shabado (Kevy for Short) and I have decided to run for Congress on the 25th to represent The Unity Party.

What to expect and my experience

I am a very active player with my Erepublik career spanning since July 2009. Since I have been around for quite a while I have gathered a wide variety of knowledge of the game. Although my political experience is currently non existent do not let this fact discourage you from voting for me. I probably know as much about Erepublik than any of the other candidates.

Congress Goals

Setting goals for anything is always good. I can look back at the end and see how well I have performed. My goals for Congress are

1) Vote for all bills on the forums
2) Vote for all proposal in game
3) Help relocate new players in the North East to fortress London
4) Keep in contact with players in the North East through PMs so that I can get your views into Congress
5) Quality 2 Hospital (I kid. I kid...)

If I get into congress I will release an article near the end of my term to evaluate my performance and if those goals were reached. I am focused on achieving this goal and with my activity level I can almost guarantee success if I'm voted in.


This next month is going to be very important. The World will be preparing for the release of Version 2 and we need a strong congress to make Great Britain...great.

I hope I can count on your vote on the 25th!

I leave you with some important links.

Subscribe to these articles for a stronger UK! (Vote their articles too) 🙂
MoD orders

More information on the Unity party here
The Unity Post
The Unity Party

More important links
Gifting Hub if you have low wellness at a low level
Ask for moving tickets to London (Q5 Hospital) here

My latest Article

Oh. Also join the eUK forums. They're cool.