Rock you like a Hurricane

Day 1,460, 22:23 Published in Australia Canada by Cody Caine

Writers block, please...
My battle with writers block is over, and I won,

the block went down like that dude being kicked into that pit.
Anyway on to the serious business of this article:

Kooguy Revolutionary Leader
Kooguy who deserves congratulations for being the newly elected Revolutionary Party President, and also elected as the first ever Captain of the 3rd Regiment of the Revolutionary Army, has brought the Revolutionary Party to 30 members and the rank of 11th in the eUSA, though at one point we had 31 members and ranked 10th, this is only a minor setback in his short time in taking lead of the Revolutionary Party. Kooguy has also brought more organization to the forum, and created new positions such as Vice Party President which Molly Jo serves as, he also brought the founding of the Official Party paper, something I once tried to do, but my paper has become more about what I view than the party, even if I often talk about the party and unit. The organization kooguy brought to the party I wish I had found the time to do myself, but I never got around to it, so I for one am proud of his work. And he sports are theme so well.

Revolutionary Army Captains and a forth regiment?!?!
For the first time since the unit was created it has a captain for all of its regiments, I myself serving in regiment one, kind of a swap of power between myself and sora, however she was never a second commander, which I do as well as captaining, while she fills in for me in active order giving as commander, Molly Jo is returning for her second term as second regiment captain, and the only one it has ever known, and as mentioned before kooguy is the captain of the third regiment, we have 89 members currently, which means a forth regiment could be forth coming.

Lancer450 Leading eAustralia through Crisis
It may not be easy to see, but Lancer450 is doing a admirable job leading eAustralia through its current crisis of dealing with the Indo threat, he has also brought the New Zealand issue to a stop during his time in office. So you may not understand why things are not perfect and why the country is not whole, but Lancer is doing is best, and if you want your country to be whole, you the people must fight as hard as possible for said freedom and wholeness, he can't do it alone.

Sora Storm the quiet commander
She may not talk much, but she gets the orders in with good timing, Sora Storm, who took over as Party President after Molly Jo, has always been a quiet leader for the party and unit, it's her style but quiet or not she too deserves some positive attention so add her, because between her and Molly we got some awesome ladies.
Molly Jo and I leave it to the Waves
While the two of us are oceans away from each other, Molly has taken up the task of serving the party once more, Molly who was the party's first Female Party President something she was proud of, the only captain the second regiment has ever known, as I mentioned above, now the party's first ever Vice Party President, she officially plans to run for congress, she also helps the party by owning the party's official paper, which will no doubt be publishing its first Article soon. Molly does not seek attention; she just gets it because I like to make her part of my articles. 😉, She doesn't even like getting her picture taken.

Articles to Read
This is a new function of my paper, with each article from here I shall include links to other articles, ones that I enjoyed reading, for you too to enjoy reading, so here you go.

15 for Fridays, 16 Shells, Written by my friend Gnilraps

Congress Elections Approach, Meet the Press, Written by my erep Brother Portcolumbus.

Current Events, Kooguy's Fire, Written by Kooguy, Revolutionary Party President, and my friend.
Final Thoughts and Quote of the Article
All that writing and I didn't even cover why I am currently without a political party, and I could do so, but I feel bringing more attention to the situation would be overkill, it is a matter that really is not of importance, involving a person who doesn't deserve attention, if this person did, I would write about it, so anyway I'll be back in a party soon enough. Also slightly considering a possible show time switch, to try and get it so Port is alive to call in, the show misses him.

Quote: "There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were and ask why not." ~Robert Francis Kennedy~

Bonus Quote: "You will Fly or I will take your Fears away"

~Revolutionary Party Founder~
~Revolutionary Army Commander~
~eUSA Deputy Press Secretary Oct 2011~