Revolutionary Times Supports Leroy Combs for PotUS

Day 1,441, 19:26 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

Revolutionary Times endorses Leroy Combs to be the next President

The Revolutionary Times officially supports Leroy Combs to be the next president of the eUnited States of America. Leroy as you may know has gotten the most votes in the last four congressional elections all times in the state of California, he has many other in game achievements as well.

As for his Cabinet this writer has worked with Haliman in my most recent congressional run, he helped me build my campaign by supplying me with sites to be able to message citizens of the state of washington, and was very supportive in the AMP IRC room, I believe he will make a good chief of staff.

I had one good conversation with Stephen Goldsmith, and he is on my friend list, but thats the extent of my knowing him, but I believe he will serve as a good Secretary of Defense.

Leroy's Secretary of Media is Israel Stevens, is my current boss as Secretary of the Press, myself being his Deputy, and he has been a good boss, and he will do a good job.

I have had no or limited interactions with the rest of his cabinet, but I have heard good things about most of them.

Finally the Revolutionary Times supports Leroy because with A2 stepping down after two good terms as president, we now under invasion need a strong leader to fight off the enemy.
Final thoughts and Quote of the Article
We are in fact under invasion currently with Poland and Serbia with in our borders, Spain previously was but currently controls no states, but Poland and Serbia are maintaining a strong push, the eUSA as a country must hold strong and remember that they may take our land, but they will never break our spirit.

"I wish Everyone was Loved Tonight, and somehow Stop this Endless Fight, just a chance that maybe will find Better Days." Lyric from Better Days ~The Goo Goo Dolls~

~Revolutionary Party Founder~
~Revolutionary Army Commander~
~Deputy Press Secretary Oct 2011~