Revolutionary Rising

Day 1,492, 20:27 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

Revolutionary Party Growth and tooling up.
The Revolutionary Party has reached 63 Members, and the outlook is good for more growth, as we aim to break 100 members before 2012. With the growth comes new opportunities within the party for its members, a press department, a campaign department, and a primary department to run primaries for eUS President, Party President, and possibly a congressional primary should a lot of our members want to run for congress, and we need to decide who the party might need to send the most votes. So plenty of Jobs are open for party members to gain.
Kooguy Delivered

Kooguy during his month as Party President delivered results where they mattered, our party grew and it continues to grow, Kooguy passed his own goals for the month, and continues to recruit for the party allowing for the Organizational growth of the party, and while he did not run for a second month he currently serves as Vice Party President, as well as the chief recruiter, he has also recently earned a position of Second Commander in the Revolutionary Army, as well as Captain of the Third Regiment for a second Term.
Sora weathered the Storm

During her time as Commander of the Revolutionary Army Sora Storm kept the unit together during some interesting times of the party, the Unit reached 4 regiments, I myself went on a eVacation of sorts and returned, the Military Unit structure changed, and she kept orders coming on time through all of it, so we thank her for her service as she steps down from Commander, and as reward for her service she was given the rank of Second Commander along with Kooguy.
Reorganizing the Revolutionary Army
The Revolutionary Army is in the process of reorganizing, the leadership has been reshuffled, I Cody Caine am now acting Commander of the Army, as well as Captain of the First Regiment, the Captain position I will give up on the 15th of January, as mention Sora Storm and Kooguy are my Second Commanders, in addition to myself the Captains in Order are Molly Jo, Kooguy, and Portcolumbus. Along with the reshuffle the Army has purged itself of its Dead members.

Commune Set Up
With the Leadership in place it is time to set up a commune for the Troops of the Revolutionary Army, we will start with a health supply, so any member who would like health given to them, must work in one of the following commune jobs.

Revolutionary Food

Revolutionary Fruit 1

Revolutionary Fruit 2

Revolutionary Army Food

Revolutionary Army Cattle

Kooguy's Food

Commune workers will receive 100-300 health a day.
Suggested Articles to Read

WHPR Day 1490 & WHPR cuddly pink hugs and ponies, I work there.

Rainy Sunday is American of the Year The Winner of Meet the Press's American of the Year.

Lancer450 Running in Oregon, Pretty self explanatory.

Twas the Night before Christmas, by Jon Malcom
Molly Jo picture of the week

Final Thoughts and Quotes of the Article
It has been a while since I published an article with this much information on the Revolutionary Party and Army, so I really hope you the readers enjoyed it, if not well the quotes might perk you up with a laugh or two. Also on Friday the second edition of the Revolutionary Party Paper will be published, with even more Party news for you to read and love.

Quote: "Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer." ~Paulerate98, Powdered American Revolutionary Party~
"I'm sure the Free Masons are pretty influential and all, but Pfeiffer and the USWP control who occupies the White House. And besides, I don't feel like kissing a**." ~Jamarcus~

~Revolutionary Party Founder~
~Revolutionary Army Commander~
~eUSA Deputy Press Secretary Oct 2011~
~eUSA Press Corps Member Dec 2011~