Revolutionary Radio Agenda for 11/19/2011

Day 1,460, 15:31 Published in Australia Canada by Cody Caine

The Agenda
1. Revolutionary Updates
2. The problem with Trolls
3. Pizza got smacked down
4. Guest Segment or Music
5. War Updates
6. Political Futures
After-Party. Free Topic Radio
Listener Information
Show Time: 20:00 eRep Time
Show Link:
Rizon IRC: #Revolutionary
Guest Call in #: 1-818-668-5408
Final Thoughts and Quote of the Article
A lot has happened since I wrote my last article, which I will cover in segment one of the agenda, including talk of my recent writers block.

"Laws can embody standards; governments can enforce laws—but the final task is not a task for government. It is a task for each and every one of us. Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted—when we tolerate what we know to be wrong—when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy, or too frightened—when we fail to speak up and speak out—we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice." ~Robert Francis Kennedy~

~Revolutionary Party Founder~
~Revolutionary Army Commander~
~eUSA Deputy Press Secretary Oct 2011~