Revolutionary IRC = Wild Fun?

Day 1,484, 14:57 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

Party in the Revolutionary IRC
Last night in the Revolutionary Parties IRC chat things got exciting, activity was at a high, people were having good fun, though it might have been the kind of fun you need a sense of humor to enjoy, sorry puffer not your kind of party. Things started off with Revolutionary Clown Paulerate98 started telling some Jokes.

And the jokes were good, soon enough Kooguy our party president joined the IRC, and things were still going along nicely with some nice jokes, until Molly Jo showed up, and we had to put away the dangerous gadgets...

Shortly after Molly's arrival Kooguy had a serious question about if anyone in the IRC wanted to run for congress and if Molly wanted to run for a second term, to which miss Molly Jo's response is so out there, that I cannot even post it in this article, but if you have a good sense of humor and desire to know what she said, the IRC is a good place to ask me for a quote.

As the night went on we got a few guests from outside the party, Jon Malcom joined with perfect timing after we were just talking about him, later on Jamarcus joined us after seeing our group IRC promotion spam posts. But party members in attendance include, Molly Jo, Kooguy, our party clown, Davis Winston, Lancer450, Robert Grosseteste, and myself.
IRC Shouts
I give you the list of of the shouts:

IRC: #Revolutionary, because we have a party clown, don't be jealous. by myself

There's a f**kin rainbow on IRC: #Revolutionary, by Kooguy

IRC: #Revolutionary, I'm too boss for you, by Davis Winston

We got candy on IRC: #Revolutionary, by Lancer450

IRC: #Revolutionary, we got Molly Jo, by myself

IRC: #Revolutionary, Stop Rape. Say yes. by Davis

IRC: #Revolutionary, no puffer fish allowed. by myself

IRC: #Revolutionary, it is only offensive if you have no sense of humor, shouted by Jon Malcom and Lancer

IRC: #Revolutionary, we have Jamarcus in the room, by myself

IRC: #Revolutionary, no pfiffer d**ks**t f*** a******* allowed, by kooguy

IRC: #Revolutionary, Blue's my b***h, by Davis

IRC: #Revolutionary, campaign headquarters for the bold., by myself

IRC: #Revolutionary We just found out what Munging don't want to know. by Jon Malcom

IRC: #Revolutionary, because it is on FIRE! by Molly and Myself

IRC: #Revolutionary, Commander Sora Storm will join us shortly. by myself

IRC: #Revolutionary, the greatest thing since Sex. also by myself

IRC: #Revolutionary where Sora blew my mind! by Davis

and Finally: IRC: #Revolutionary, Streaming Mexican Midget Porn, by Davis

Serious Business
Alright so more than just laughs and disturbing IRC shouts came out of last night's IRC party, we also came about the decision to host the parties first ever in Party Debate, which will be tonight between mainly myself and Robert Grosseteste who like myself is running for Party President, The other candidates are invited as well.
Suggested Articles to Read

It's Time, by Jamarcus who is running for Party President of the Libs.

Interview with Gnilraps by Cleveland Fleman

Interview with the Interviewer, by B.M. Entertainment, an Interview of Portcolumbus.

Interview with Cody Caine round II, Portcolumbus interviewed me, yay.
Final Thoughts and Quote of the Article
Last night was the kind of fun this game needs, the Revolutionary members show that we have a lot of fun together, and even include others from outside of the party in our fun, as Jon Malcom and my RFK buddy Jamarcus both dropped in, along with Greeling and CP Oblige, who hangs out in the Party chat from time to time, and in addition to the fun the party progressed.

"If anyone doesn't like that my Real life is more important than this game, they can kiss my a**" ~Molly Jo~

~Revolutionary Party Founder~
~Revolutionary Army Commander~
~eUSA Deputy Press Secretary Oct 2011~
~eUSA Press Corps Member Dec 2011~