Regarding The Establishment and the Current Political Climate

Day 1,795, 03:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
Regarding the Establishment & The Current Political Situation

The fate of our state of affairs in our eCountry, the eNetherlands, seem to have brighten up the last few couple of days. The eNetherlands have been blessed with an increased rate of activity, thanks to the return of many former experienced, active and ambitious eDutchmen, but also increased rate, although still meager, of new players joining our eCountry has made our future seem a little more better than the doomday scenario we are facing each and every day in our time as de facto Polish puppet state.

For the first time in months, there is actual opposition to the near absolute rule of GPN's Van Spijck. Despite the best intentions, a rule not interrupted for 4 months - which would equal 16 years of real life rule - can hardly be considered a positive trend. It is no surprise the current establishment is worried about the increased rate of activity. Each government should be glad to see an increased rate of activity, and therefor increased chances of liberating ourselves from ePolish tyranny, you would think.

Well, it seems like they’re not! Instead of valuing the increased potential of our eCountry and it’s population, they’ve engaged onto a campaign of slander & false accusations, in a final and desperate attempt to hold onto power.

Lock and Load

The Establishments' last attempt at excluding not only an experienced and active citizen, a rarity these days, but a whole political party - thereby endangering our very level of democracy, has been this demonizing article.

Written by the Vice-President of the Dutch Socialist Party - which supports a government radically different from their honest political direction - it tricks readers into believing it's honest and neutral intentions regarding my political history. It's in fact a completely biased article, which depicts me as the ultimate Judas (The fox may change his fur..), and my supporters as dumb and retared ('goats). It claims to describe my political past, but it only does so partly; It only reviews those events which the Establishment can interpretate to their benefit. It also only tells the story of a part of the country; namely the critizers of my very own personality and my political actions and ideology, while none of my supporters (or I myself, for that matter) have been given a chance to shed a light upon my political history. I can't let this happen, without defending myself, and thereby the values of our Country regarding respect and freedom which we're proud of and should be protected at all times.

1. It describes me as someone who commits bribery. - FALSE
I only master the tactics of campaigning. It is not illegal or frowned upon to send messages during elections, or to new players for that matter, with a small 'present' included. It happens in real life politics, it happens in eLife politics. It is hypocritical for an aggresively growing party like the Socialist Party, or a party focussing excessively on our newer players, Geuzen Partij Nederland, to accuse me of bribery based on the facts available.

2. It claims I'm responsible for the robbery of our state. - FALSE
During my second term as president, our state accounts were robbed. I took immediate actions, but the admin reply was unsatifactory and it didn't take long before I was accused of doing it. I decided to take my responsibility and step down as president, as I advised everyone who had access to government access to do so (this advise was ignored by Congress). I didn't feel responsible for that case anymore when I stept down and decided to retire from activity for some time, and therefor I was put on a blacklist, as I didn't cooperate in the investigation of the commited crimes and was therefor deemed to be the robber, or at least suspected. I however, recently proved my innocence by showing the Chairman of Congress evidence of my actions taken during the aftermath. As a result, my name has been cleared, I can once again participate in politics and I hold the same rights as every citizen. No citizen deserves such a slanderous campaign, everyone should agree on that!

3. It claims I'm a failure at governing. - FALSE
The Establishment completely neglects the fact I've been reelected on completely honest ways, after my so called disasterous first term. Not to speak of all the things I've meant to the eNetherlands in my past: I've been coach/ambassador many times, but also multiple times Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Home Affairs & Minister of Coaching during my 2,5 years of service to the eDutch state.

4. It accuses me of being sarcastic. - TRUE
The writer claims to be laughing loudly at reading a few amount of my ironically meant articles. Well, the jokes on you! 😉

For a matter of fact, I do not want to waste anymore words on a process which can not be dubbed activity-increasing opposition anymore, as my articles were always meant to do without attacking any individiual personally/seriously, but instead pose an actual threat to our country.

The knifes have been sharpen

Instead of forcing it's opponents to foreign countries, the Establishment should open anyone willing to participate in the eNetherlands with open arms. The only sensible option right now is an immense refocus on our priorities. I want to cooperate with all parties and individuals in reaching this. Let this be a wake-up call to our current government!

We should not justify holding infinite power by claiming to stablize our financial situation (although financial policy, by Minister of Finances, Weekstrom has been the best thing happening in our government), while completely neglected the initial and most important goal of the government: Making a liberation of our country possible. This is only possible by taking efforts in the Ministry of Recruitment (being led by an inactive nobody at the moment), and by refusing our current position as lapdog of foreign powers, under the unjust naming of international cooperation. This is only possible with a government able to lead this country, not with a regime which distances itself from the general population and isolates itself in the centre of power, which has caused at least the Ministry of Foreign Affiars, the Ministry of Home Affairs and The Ministry of Recruitment to be defunct at the moment. No one should be excluded at this moment, not when the survival of our nation is at stake.

A concerned citizen,

Party President Libertas