RECRUITING +Awesome promo VID

Day 4,134, 00:07 Published in Finland Finland by Repe Support UKR Ruutikallo

Rependary Forces

So, we have a minor, no it´s major problem here...
Our MU gets soon taken over by evil cousins around the eWorld, see:

Three active soldiers and seven pages of cousins, not good!

They´re almost as widely spread as the family of Cendorr, almost but not quite.
So we must take the action and we ended up to start this recruiting campaign.

You´re saying, "-I don´t know a heck about Rependary Forces, is it somekind of a food or what??"

To answer all of your questions we have this Promo video, made by Maj. Dimitrios Kaslas

Goes like this:

In case the video won´t work, you can check it here:
MU Promo

If you don´t dig videos, you can also read about us Rependary introduction