RareLit: Six Word Memoir FINISHED (Holiday Edition!)

Day 2,592, 15:28 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Another competition done and gone!

JohnKennedy won first place! Taking home 85 Q7 weapons!
Olirens and PilotPhil tied for second and so they will each split second and third place prizes, taking home 47 Q7 weapons each!
You can read all of their submissions HERE

Thank you to everyone that took part in this competition, and one last note before we go. Everyone enjoys having time to relax, especially after a long day at work. A lot of people find reading enjoyable, some even relaxing. I have a proposal and I'll judge by any feedback left in the comments or PM'd to me whether or not I should try this.

PROPOSAL: I would like to try starting a "Short Story" hour in RareLit where I publish a chapter of a story written by any of the writers in our community or perhaps a whole short story if it is short enough. The published stories can be used again in any RareLit competitions but the main goal of putting these stories on RareLit are listed below.
-To give the eUSA community a nice story to enjoy/some time to relax from all their daily stress and "annoyment" at this game.
-To support the writer that contributes! Basically if a writer and I agree on publishing their story on RareLit, all endorsements on any article he/she has contributed will be redirected to him/her as a way to support the writers in our community.

So make sure to leave me your feedback in the comments or the PM! Would you like to see this new addition to RareLit? Would you read the stories? Would you support the writers? Would you want to have a story included in Short Story Hour? Any and all feedback would be helpful.

Happy holidays to all.