Project "Contact" vol. 2

Day 541, 01:24 Published in Estonia Estonia by CptRixuu

Hello fellow Estonians! This is your Minister of Public Relations speaking!

There has been quite a long time since my last activity here in eRepublik. I think It's not necesarry to speak about the reasons, what is more important is that I am back in business.

What is project "Contact"

Not a long time ago i introduced you my project which should give us quite a good flow of information amongst our nation. As you see, again we have upcoming elections. Most important is, that in May we can get our government running properly and to be sure it happens, we need to know who to vote for.

That is only one point why project contact is necessary. Whenever the government needs to communicate with the country, we can use this so called "mailing list" to contact you fast enough.

I will personally send e-mails about what is going on in the country and what should you do to help the government to work better. You can also send feedback to

To join the project please fill in the form

Please send this link to your e-Estonian friends too!

Please vote it up so everyone can see! You can also subscribe to get fresh information about our country stragith to your box!