Presidential Impeachment Debate: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff weighs in.

Day 980, 16:51 Published in USA USA by Candor
I'd give you my two cents on the topic, but what the hell does it matter what I think?!

But you ought to read this post by Jankems, our Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.

His opinion matters a great deal.

General Jankems, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

"...if we can rally and find common ground in the next week under Reala, as I know we can, then maybe we can do it more often. Respect each others specialties, responsibilities, and differences. If not, we can go back to the bickering, fighting, and paranoia that is tearing our active population apart and losing us more and more active, decent, and reasonable players by the day."
~Quote from General Jankems, July Impeachment thread, epic post

Read the whole thread, if you have time. But that specific post defines epic, you ask me. For more than one reason.

That may be the most any of you ever read from our military leadership. It's the longest post I've ever seen from a CJCS in one thread in my entire year here. Heck, it may be the longest real post I've ever seen anywhere, period.

And it's good.

Candor Salutes you, Sir.