Presidential Comments on the US Attacks in Sindh on March 15, 2010

Day 847, 12:49 Published in USA USA by PigInZen
A Formal Apology

EDEN confidence in the United States has been shattered by our attacks in Sindh yesterday. There were critical battles fought for a larger strategic purpose in Slovenia in which the United States neglected to participate as per our alliance terms and commitment to mutual security of all EDEN members. The lack of our participation is most likely the biggest reason for the failure to achieve victory. Because of this our allies in Croatia and Poland now face serious setbacks and threats to their respective security.

As President of the United States I take full responsibility for this. In the final analysis of events it will not matter what chain of events led to the United States neglecting our commitments to EDEN members. The decision and responsibility lie with me. Therefore as President of the United States I offer my personal apologies to Croatia, Poland and EDEN as a whole. I am doing and will continue to do everything in my power to rectify and resolve outstanding issues that may have contributed to our failures as an ally yesterday. I am personally committed to the belief that membership in EDEN is the proper path for the United States strategically, logically and in terms of solidarity. What happened yesterday is not the way allies treat each other. For that I hold a great deal of personal sadness and regret. My own failures as a leader have contributed greatly to this as well.

To me this is an ethical issue. The United States, and I as the chief representative of the US made a promise to our allies. Either we intend on keeping this promise (as I believe we should be doing) or we should leave EDEN. If a nation commits itself to an alliance it should abide by the rules of said alliance or leave. Attempts to "send messages" or correct perceived historical failures in a "tit-for-tat" game of comeuppance only exacerbate existing outstanding issues and inflame emotions. In short, the United States as a community needs to decide whether it believes in the value of membership in EDEN as an ally and full member. I know where I stand on the issue, I reiterate that I believe that the collective security of EDEN and the United States is strengthened by our continued membership. It is my hope that our fellow EDEN members still believe the same of the US.

We are not the first nation to make a serious mistake, either tactically or strategically. We certainly shall not be the last. I would prefer that the United States be the first nation to publicly admit its shortcomings and move to address them rather than precipitating a conflict with our allies. If the relationship between EDEN and the US is deemed worthwhile by the EDEN member states I am fully committed to addressing EDEN concerns and ensuring that the United States operates in a manner becoming that of a member of a cooperative alliance.

Where to from Here?

Unfortunately for me, much of this decision lies outside of my control. Because of this I await the decision of the EDEN membership. I also will initiate discussions at home amongst the presidential staff and in Congress. We owe at least this much to you as allies. Certainly the status quo is what neither our allies nor the United States wants as it resulted in the events of yesterday.

Relationships in real life, friendships, require work. They don't just "happen" organically but rather are cultivated over years. Friends come to each others' request for aid, support each other and are honest with each other. I cannot say that the United States has been a friend to EDEN lately. There are those that would say that EDEN hasn't been as well. I don't necessarily share those opinions but understand and sympathize with them.

Allow me to say this: if the United States is allowed to remain a member and the United States Congress supports that decision then members of EDEN should refrain from attempting to correct previous "wrongs" and pledge to work together for the future. There are many examples and complaints from numerous members about a lack of support for whatever reason. In short, we either hang together as a team to resolve our collective issues or hang separately at the hands of Phoenix.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.