Population Statistics 7th March

Day 838, 04:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello Citizens of the eWorld. I am back with the population statistics for this week! Enjoy my article. 😃

For those of you new to my article: I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

Link to Part 1 of the table
Link to Part 2 of the table
Link to Part 3 of the table

Link to full table! (Might be a bit smaller)

Many things such as wars, resistances and region swaps affect these stats above.

There was not as many key battles this week so there is not any major changes from last week.


The best performing country this week is China. China have managed to reach the 10,000 citizens mark for the first time by increasing their population by 732 this week. China have moved up 1 place to be 11th and have a growth rate of 7.87%. Three weeks ago China were at 6800ish citizens so this is a huge increase. Congrats!


The worst performing country this week is unfortunately Bulgaria. Bulgaria were invaded by Romania a few months ago and managed to get a baby boom. However; a lot of these accounts are becoming inactive as the statistics show. Bulgaria lost 867 citizens this week resulting in them dropping one place to 12th and having a growth rate of -9.05%

Other notes

- As predicted Poland continue to decline in population with a lot of their accounts dying. This is starting to level out though.

- Philippines gained 834 Citizens and went up 10 places with a growth rate of 112.55% This however is from region swapping with China and India so I did not put them as the best performing country this week.

- Denmark were recently taken over by a Serbian; Sweden quickly responded by attacking all of the Denmark regions successfully taking all but one. Denmark signed a MPP with Serbia only for the new Denmark president to attack an original Sweden region so that Sweden could take Denmark's last region.

- South Africa were taken over by some people from 7 Chan. They want to retreat all of South Africa's regions including the important High Diamond regions. Brazil recently lost one of those so will probably want to take it back.

Quick Stats
Biggest Population Change - Brazil + 3545
- Poland - 1384
Biggest Rankings Change - Philippines + 10
- Denmark - 6
Highest Growth - Philippines + 112.55%
Lowest Growth - Denmark - 45.35%

Thanks for reading my Article. Be sure to vote, comment and subscribe to this paper for an update on the population of your country every Sunday!


Congrats to Brangau for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q3 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result.

I got 9 comments last week although I wanted 10. 🙁 I decided to give away the Q3 weapon anyway but this week I will be asking for 15 comments. If I actually reach that I will give away another Q3 weapon! Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Subscribe for your chance to win!