Population Statistics 2nd May

Day 895, 08:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to a late edition of eWorld Population Stats. Sorry for 24 hour delay. I was very busy. 🙁

For new readers of my article

I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.


Link to Part 1 of the table
Link to Part 2 of the table
Link to Part 3 of the table

Link to full table! (Might be a bit smaller)

Lots and lots of changes in that table. I thought after last week the battles would die down so that both sides could generate some more gold but the attacks kept on coming!


The best performing country this week is China. During the last week or so there have been multiple attacks on a Chinese original region that Hungary have kept for a long time. I'm speaking about Heilongjiang if you didn't guess already. Heilongjiang is a very important region because it is one of the only in the eWorld with High Iron. Iron is used to make guns which make the other alliance's walls sad. After a few attacks with the help of Eden managed to tank 2m worth of damage to take it from Hungary. This is a big gain for China economically and also helped them move up the list of population. China gained 2390 citizens this week moving up 2 places to be 10th. This is a growth rate of 20.96% Congrats China!


The loser this week is unfortunately Hungary. It is not just because they lost Heilongjiang as they have also been invaded on home soil. Using MPPs gathered from a Hungarian attack a week or two ago Croatia took advantage of other major battles such as Rhone Alps taking place and managed to take a few regions. Romania joined in and also took a few regions before losing them again. Poland has recently attacked Hungary in a 3-way strike involving Romania and Croatia once again. The result of this attack is unclear but so far it looks as if Hungary will secure against Romania, Lost against Poland but Croatia will be a close one. Hungary lost 4216 citizens this week moving down 3 places to be 11th. This puts them at a growth of -24.04%. Just a note, Heilongjiang apparently made Hungary 200g a day so this is a massive blow to their economy. 🙁


This week the graphs are quite beneficial to look at considering there were massive changes in citizens within the top 20.

As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are. Significant blips are explained briefly below:
- Poland - Gained back some of the Rhone Alps/Berlin citizens and also took back Pomerania
- Spain - Took Rhone Alps from Slovenia
- Brazil - Massive Baby boom attempt (1000-2000+ Citizens a day over the last few days. Impressive!)
- Russia - Gave Berlin to Germany and retreated from Pomerania
- Greece - Took advantage of Phoenix being distracted and attacked Turkey and gained some regions
- China - Took back Heilongjiang
- Hungary - Lost Heilongjiang + Home regions
- Croatia - Took Hungary home regions
- Australia - Took back Western Australia.

Two Countries stand out on this graph. Turkey and Slovenia.
Turkey - Greece took a few of their Home regions
Slovenia - Lost Rhone Alps to Spain

From this graph you can see that Philippines has moved up a lot. This is because of region swaps with China. Austria have also moved significantly. Only just under 100 accounts have been created in Austria since last week but they have moved up by nearly 300 citizens. I suspect a PTO is about to happen. 🙁

Other Notes

- Big Congrats to the Countries that gained over 2000 Citizens this week. These countries are Brazil, Spain, Poland, Greece, Australia and China. Congrats to the countries who gained over 1000 citizens which were Croatia, Germany, Romania and France.

- Big "Sad Face" to the countries that lost over 2000 citizens this week. These countries are Slovenia, Hungary, Russia and Turkey.

- 2 countries; Estonia and Moldova gained 0 citizens. It's better than losing citizens I suppose. 😛

- Overall this week the new world gained 21024 Citizens with a growth of 5.51%. This is nearly double the amount of new citizens than last week. I guess war = fun! 😃

Quick Stats

Biggest Population Change
Brazil + 6154
Slovenia - 8450

Biggest Rankings Change
Philippines + 11
Slovenia - 14

Highest Growth
Philippines + 97.18%

Lowest Growth
Slovenia - 64.35%


Congrats to YaneezML for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q3 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result.

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P.S. Look at this for Political Statistics of the eUK!