Population Statistics 28th March

Day 860, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another week of eWorld Population Stats! This week includes more analysis of the stats as per request. 😛

I apologize deeply for the lateness of this article. I wrote it on Sunday but due to a certain ISP I had less than 0.01mbps upload speed and therefore could not upload the images to photobucket.

For new readers of my article
I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

Link to Part 1 of the table
Link to Part 2 of the table
Link to Part 3 of the table

Link to full table! (Might be a bit smaller)

Many things such as wars, resistances and region swaps affect these stats above.


The Best performing country this week is Poland. Although they cannot into space (;_😉 they managed to secure the high wood region that they currently hold. Poland although having the highest amount of dying citizens each make up for it by gaining 800-1200 citizens a day. It seems as if they are still going through a baby boom phase which is very impressive. Poland gained an additional 2217 Citizens this week and grew 3.94%. Congratulations Poland!


The worst performing country this week has got to be Finland. A few days ago Finland decided to attack an original Russian region. Russia are one of the strongest nations in Erepublik already; but with it's 21 Protection pacts activated there was only going to be one winner and eventually Russia Counter attacked resulting in it wiping out Finland despite Edens best efforts. Some say Finland wanted to get taken off of the map to try and get a baby boom; others say they did it to drain damage away from the other battles happening that day that were vital for Eden. Either way it's going to be difficult to try and Resistance War their country back to it's full self. It also means that they move down to the bottom of the population rankings with 1862 displaced citizens and a few very confused babies.

Other notes

- South Africa are back on the map with 351 Citizens. Congratulations!

- With the Hospital change I expect that the overall citizen counts will rise for the next few weeks more so than they have been recently, this is because new citizens start off with 100 wellness now (meaning they die later) and they can now fight at level 3 so they will not get as bored now.

- The UK continues to lose citizens but not as much as last week as they only lost 96 this week. We're slowly moving down the list now at 14th Place (we've been a lot higher; earlier this year we were 10th!) I'm sure that we'll start receiving a better amount of new citizens soon. 🙂

- Congratulations to Poland, Russia and Indonesia who each got over 2000 new citizens this week. Congrats also go out to the USA and Croatia for gaining by over 1000. 😃

- Czech Republic managed to get the highest growth for a third week running. Sign of a baby boom? Maybe.

- Brazil is doing a "Poland" in a sense that it's had a very good baby boom and is now seeing a lot it's citizens die due to being inactive

- Philippines gave away it's original regions a few days ago to stop an Indonesia block which is why the stats show they have lost a substantial amount of Citizens.

- Australia gained over 600 Citizens this week. It is most likely that it is connected to the team of 7 Channers that said they wanted to take over Australia next.

Quick Stats

Biggest Population Change
Russia + 2852 Citizens
Finland - 1862 Citizens

Biggest Rankings Change

Czech Republic + 8 Ranks
Finland - 28 Ranks

Highest Growth
Czech Republic + 69.41%

Lowest Growth
Finland - 100%


Congrats to duke winter for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q3 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result.

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Q3 Weapon next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments! 😃