Population Statistics 23rd May - Poland no longer #1 Active!

Day 915, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats!

For new readers of my article

I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.


Link to full table! (Might be a bit smaller)



The Winner this week is Bulgaria. Last week Bulgaria was the Loser in this article and due to a lack of candidates for best performing country and a successful campaign to regain regions they are this weeks winners! 🙂 As mentioned in last weeks article Bulgaria decided to attack Romania. This was not an order from Phoenix HQ; the president decided to attack by himself. This decision did in fact block Romania from attacking Hungary for 24 hours but it eventually Romania managed to gain the initiative and attack Bulgaria with its' many activated MPPs. This lead to Bulgaria signing a MPP with North Korea so that Serbia could get a free war with Bulgaria. Once 24 hours had passed Bulgaria attacked Serbia ultimately removing the shared MPPs and Serbia then attacked every region and Bulgaria retreated. All of these regions have since been Resistance War'd back by Serbia successfully including the ones held by Romania (which were first conquered by Serbia). This week Bulgaria moved back up 42 places gaining 6895 with a growth of 3727% 😁 Congratulations on being winner this week and holding the record of highest growth in a week. 😃


The Loser this week is unfortunately South Korea. A few weeks ago Japan decided to declare war to them and without MPPs (South Korea are a neutral nation) they have not had any major help from the alliances. A German MPP was signed but due to other key battles happening regarding Germany this had not been of much help. This week South Korea lost 412 citizens moving down 6 places to be rock bottom. It also had a contraction of 75.32%. Unlucky South Korea. I hope that you regain your regions soon. 🙁


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are. Significant blips are explained briefly below:
- Poland - Dead babies from baby boom
- Serbia - Gave back Bulgarian Regions
- Romania - Lost Bulgarian regions
- Bulgaria - Gained back all regions

Two Countries stand out on this graph. Sweden and Slovenia.
Slovenia - Gained back regions + start of a babyboom
South Africa - Unsure on this change, possibly dead multi accounts? 😒
Japan - Gained regions from South Korea

Four countries stand out from this graph.
- Philippines - Gained Chinese regions via region swaps. This is to allow USA the ability to attack Lionang
- Pakistan - Lost one region to Serbia
- Austria - Lost a lot of regions to different countries
- South Korea - Lost Regions to Japan

Active Citizens
Using a census website I was able to find the amount of citizens that are above 40 wellness and are currently employed.

- Poland is no longer #1 in this list! Serbia have overtaken them for first time in a while. The gap is only about 50 citizens but I expect the gap to widen.

- The highest active citizen percentage is Austria with 107.30% Of course like I said last week anything over 100% is impossible. This figure is slightly incorrect because the stats are a few days out of date and don't account for the battles that have taken place in Austria recently.

- The lowest active citizen percentage is Philippines with 24.82% That is less than one in four that are active. 😮

Other Notes

- Congrats to Bulgaria who gained over 5000 citizens this week!

- No one else gained over 1000 citizens this week! Wow. Boring week eh? 😛

- Poland, Romania and Serbia all lost over 1000 citizens this week.

- Brazil moves back up to 2nd Place.

- Japan did well this week gaining 394 citizens from their success in South Korea.

- Slovenia gained over 1000 new citizens yesterday, baby boom incoming? 😃

- Overall this week the new world lost 9537 Citizens with a contraction of - 2.41% This is nearly three times the contraction of last week. 🙁

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. 🙂

Biggest Population Change



Highest Growth and Contraction



Highest Active Citizens Count and Percentage

http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy191/kevyerepublik/23rdMaytop5percent.png">Active Percentage


Congrats to Solymir for winning last weeks contest. (My comment didn't count!) I will send you your Q3 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result. (Random Generator showed the number 1 two weeks in a row. What are the odds?!)

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Q3 Weapon next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments! 😃

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