Population Statistics 21st March

Day 852, 05:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another week of eWorld Population Stats!

For new readers of my article
I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

There was a bit of talk in my last article about these stats being inaccurate because they do not correctly show the amount of active citizens. However, I feel that the true activeness of a citizen cannot be fully explained. (Eg; a citizen could vote and have 10 wellness, is that active? Or a Citizen could have 100 wellness, work and train everyday and not vote) For this reason I am sticking with overall citizens and not active citizens.

Link to Part 1 of the table
Link to Part 2 of the table
Link to Part 3 of the table

Link to full table! (Might be a bit smaller)

Many things such as wars, resistances and region swaps affect these stats above.


The Best performing country this week is Indonesia! This week Indonesia managed to move up one place to be 8th whilst gaining 1340 citizens with a growth rate of 10.74%! 10% Recently Indonesia were attacked on their own territory by Australia. I imagine this has something to do with their increase as it makes the game more interesting for Indonesia, however they were on a boom before that. Congrats to Indonesia for a good week. I hope your boom continues! 😃


The worst performing country this week is unfortunately Croatia. It was tough to pick a worst performing country this week but Croatia get it because they lost 527 Citizens this week moving down one spot out of the top 10 into 11th. Croatia's growth percentage was at -4.45% this week.

P.S. I try to look for Country balls (such as Poland ball) to put in this article instead of the flag. if someone could message me as to where I could find those that would be awesome!

Other notes

- South Africa continues to have 0 Citizens because of the PTO they had. 🙁

- France seem to be on the up again by moving 7 places and gaining 704 Citizens this week. With Slovenia now having MPPs against Poland; France could gain back some key regions soon.

- The UK had a loss of 407 Citizens this week. Hopefully this will not continue next week. 🙁

- Congrats to China and Hungary who got over 1000 Citizens this week. 🙂 (Along with Indonesia of course who was mentioned above)

Quick Stats

Biggest Population Change
Indonesia + 1340 Citizens
Bulgaria - 694 Citizens

Biggest Rankings Change

France + 7 Ranks
Thailand and Philippines - 3 Ranks

Highest Growth
Czech Republic + 62.2%

Lowest Growth
Philippines - 14.51%


Congrats to YaneezML for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q3 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result. (Although there were 11 comments I base this contest on unique comments in which there were 9)

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Q3 Weapon next week!