Population Statistics 14th March

Day 845, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello Citizens of the eWorld. I'm back again with another week of population Statistics!

For new readers of my article
I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

Link to Part 1 of the table
Link to Part 2 of the table
Link to Part 3 of the table

Link to full table! (Might be a bit smaller)

Many things such as wars, resistances and region swaps affect these stats above.


Although I put Brazil as the best performing country a few weeks back I think their growth for this week really justifies me putting them here again. This week Brazil increased their population significantly. There are two reasons for this which are the baby boom which is now in full flow and also the gain of key regions from a PTO'd South Africa. Brazil had an increase of 4237 Citizens with a growth rate of 19.06% and also gained 3 places to move into second place behind Poland. Moving up three places when you're already in the top five is a great achievement. Congrats Brazil!


The worst performing country this week is unfortunately South Africa. As I said above South Africa were PTO'd by a group from 7 Chan which resulted in them retreating all of their regions to Brazil and Argentina. Phoenix and Eden have come out against the PTO and I speak for most of us who hope that South Africa is back soon. South Africa lost all 1438 Citizens this week moving down 22 places to be 60th in the table.

Other notes

- Poland lost about 1400 Citizens last week; only 500 this week. There are still a lot of accounts dying every day but Poland still manages to pull in more new citizens everyday than any other country.

- Romania lost 1340 citizens this week meaning they were the 2nd in that respect (Only behind South Africa). Could this trend continue? Will Romania stay in the top 10 for much longer? Only time will tell.

- The UK isn't making any progress since signing peace. It was expected that the war would spark a baby boom but this isn't the case and this week alone lost 277 citizens.

- Congrats to both Indonesia and the USA for gaining over 1000 citizens this week.

Quick Stats

Biggest Population Change
Brazil + 4237 Citizens
South Africa - 1438 Citizens

Biggest Rankings Change

France + 5 Ranks
South Africa - 22 Ranks

Highest Growth
Czech Republic + 47.1%

Lowest Growth
South Africa - 100%

Thanks for reading my Article. Be sure to vote, comment and subscribe to this paper for an update on the population of your country every Sunday!


Congrats to bennypee for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q3 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result.

I reached my target of 15 comments on my last article. Thanks!

I think I'll make this a regular thing. 15 Comments = a q3 weapon to one random person who commented! Good luck! 🙂