Plato's grand competition at work

Day 2,122, 07:42 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Yeah, basically Plato has messed up again. Headless chickens, guerrilla fights not working and when they do it just reminds you of why you never bothered with them in the first place.

Another thing that annoyed me is that I have been put onto the American lists for the competition due to being in an American MU. So my chances of doing well have been reduced by about 500%.

After submitting tickets I get a friendly message back:

Dear citizen,

Thank you for your feedback! Your opinion is helping us improve the New World.

Best regards and happy gaming moments,
The eRepublik team

Oh thanks I guess, now I'm really content on my happy gaming moments!

I won't be spending anymore money on this game, the mechanics don't work, they give false information about their competitions and their customer support is total crap.