
Day 776, 09:39 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

A Little Perspective is Obviously Needed

I had an interesting weekend. Coincidentally, so did many of you...

O Piz, PiZ Oh Wherefor Art Though, PiZ?

So my real-life wife decided to unplug poor old PigInZen for the long New Year's Weekend and pack him and the kids up in the family minivan for a little trip. To say that it was needed would be an understatement. We booked a cabin overlooking the Ohio River in VERY REMOTE Indiana, miles away from civilization. Of course there were heat, electicity and water. So it's not like I was making like Daniel Boone. My only complaints were that the temperature was around 17° F the whole weekend making getting in and out of the hot tub an exercise in self awareness and that the only internet access I had was via very poor Edge access on my iPhone. At least I could two-click and I did have the opportunity on Saturday to semi-tank in Heilongjiang, fighting 30 times while we were at a restaurant with better mobile phone reception. But watching the barges go up and down the river and the few birds left feed at the bird feeder were well worth it. We were in near perfect quiet, except for Pig yelling at his kids. That's another story though...

Ohhhhhh You've Got to Be Kidding Me...


So I returned to my workplace Monday morning, logged into IRC and the forums to find... holy shit! People are pissed about things? And there's an election... oh. There's an Election tomorrow! Is this a coincidence? I think not.

Allow me to suggest that this is all sturm und drang conveniently timed for political purposes. Yes, yes, I know I have a horse in this race and that somehow this makes me biased. Everyone has biases. And that's kinda my point. I'm not about to turn this into a rebuttal article because that's totally counterproductive. What I will state, unequivocally, is that ALL THESE COMPLAINTS REALLY DO NOT MATTER in the grand scheme of things. They don't.

It's funny how staring at a huge river for three days will do that to you.

Look at How Far We've Come

It's funny but I seem to remember some days about six weeks ago where we counldn't seemingly BUY ourselves a battle to fight in. War games were defunct, there were no active wars at the moment but plenty of opportunity for action. But still, people were pensive, on edge. SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE.

In early December Jewitt and I did NO CAMPAIGNING. None whatsoever. To us it was a foregone conclusion that Josh Frost/Woxan would be reelected; we were just placeholding the runner-up position in case something drastic happened. So our election came as a TOTAL SHOCK. And it wasn't planned. Not to say we weren't grateful for the opportunity but we knew that the month of December would be a rough road. For starters, Jewitt's a college student in RL and had finals. Then he had to contend with a changing schedule due to his working over winter break. There were holidays and family matters that would be needing our attention. And, to be honest, we were really HOPING that we wouldn't win, given the real-life demands on time.

This said, and looking back, I'm glad we did win. Because we were able to accomplish much in thirty days, despite competition from real life.

1. Indonesia and Iran have lost foreign possessions seriously hindering their respective economies.
2. The US returned multiple regions to their original owners (see China, India, Australia).
3. The US now has over 25,000 citizens and a fairly improved rate of activity.
4. The US GDP has increased, reducing the strain on government revenues and increasing demand for goods across the economy.
5. The US holds for the time being a high iron region in Karnataka, with a profound effect on our economic well-being and security.
6. The US has been able to overcome technological challenges to our forums and maintain our effectiveness.
7. Our Allies in EDEN have, with our help, turned back massive assaults on members of our alliance.

I'm leaving a ton out but seriously, that's a TON of accomplishment. And we're arguing over, what exactly? Day-to-day events that, in the grand scheme, really don't effect our future well-being or current status?

Room For Improvement

Is there room for improvement? ABSOLUTELY! Is the eUS angst and worry justified? OF COURSE.

This just means that we're finally getting somewhere. You all are demanding perfection - a sure sign of success. We haven't been able to deliver perfection, yet. 😉

You see, the frustrating thing about eRepublik is that change comes ever so slowly. Sure, you can elect different people but CHANGE, TRUE CHANGE takes weeks if not months. It's so slow that we lose perspective and become frustrated at the pace of events. I like to remember how our allies came to our rescue and funded our liberation. How we all pulled together, became more active and aware, and worked our collective asses off to get our country back. I like to think that we can still do these things instead of become mired in petty bickering over offices, titles, and yes, POLITICS.

It's time to seriously ask yourselves was December a Good Month for the US?

It's time to seriously ask whether or not that this was a chance happening or was it the result of some dedicated, hard-working individuals behind the scenes?

It's time to seriously ask if POLITICAL AGENDAS are going to derail progress.

It's time to seriously ask yourselves what you believe. What you PERSONALLY believe.

I am not about to tell anyone how to vote. That is for each of us to hold in their conscience privately. I will, however, unequivocally state that VOTING FOR JEWITT FOR PRESIDENT AND PIGINZEN FOR VICE-PRESIDENT WILL BRING MORE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE eUS. We will be economically and militarily stronger, better organized, and able to work from our accomplishments of December. Now is not the time to back track on policy. Now is the time to leap forward and give the eRepublik world more reason to acknowledge that our time among world powers has arrived. Now is the time to DICTATE OUR WILL and LEAVE A LASTING IMPRESSION on the face of eRepublik.

Together let us remake the map of the world. Punish those who deserve it. Forgive the willingly repentant. Restore the rightful balance.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.