Pat Harper for CRP President

Day 2,088, 11:48 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Greetings friends and members of the Canadian Reformation Party,
As this will likely be my last active month as I RL move to Australia in September, I will make the most of it and run for Party President.

Recently in CRP:

The party has been moving steadily, obviously it is a bad time for politics as of late but we have made the best of the situation with a continued shoutbox, fun stuff, random stuff, and pointless stuff.

We supported Klop in the CP elections, he can pay me for my votes later as it was blatantly our solid influence that won him the campaign.

We hit 30+ members and it has drifted around since.

Umbra Bellator + Armour144 were caught spying on lilninja in the shower.
That's about it.

What I plan for next month:

The same as I do every month... Try to take over the world.

Other than taking over the world I plan to increase activity, help new players, encourage young and upcoming players into politics and try to make my last month as fun as possible!

I will be running some competitions, hopefully introduce some more media activity + whip my hair back and forth.

Oh and I will 100% be changing the party name temporarily to Pat's Party House.

That is all.

Vote Pat 😉