Pat Harper for Clan Wolf Party President

Day 2,214, 22:16 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper
Greetings members of Clan Wolf.

Yes I am running for PP, I know your first reaction is 'omg no PTOer go away'
I totally get that, it is true I helped PTO Clan Wolf this month, it was sorted goaded on by the insults I received from Alexandria but he has made a truce and agreed to make peace.
I know this is still no reason why you should vote for me as PP but let me take it a little further.

I will be running against Oinyo, so my chances of winning are near 0 unless Oinyo pulls out of the election which I would like him to do so I can work to my full potential, so Oinyo if you agree with what is below please consider it, thanks. You all know I have the experience behind my belt for the job, I have been a party president many times in the past, as well as country president of what most people will agree was a good term.

Why should we trust you?

Well let me tell you know, I have NO intentions to PTO you. Recently I was nearly involved in a major car crash, however I did witness horrific scenes including fatality and decapitation. These things are not easy to get out of your head as anyone who has witnessed similar will understand, especially when children are effected. Today I had an operation on an old wound I received from motorcycling which refused to heal. With these recent happening in my life I have lost the tang for 'lulz and PTO'. Don't get me wrong I will still have a laugh and continue my Puck Raker series but my view on how I play the game and live my life has changed slightly.
I understand trust is a big thing and can take years to gain and seconds to destroy. However much I commented in the feed 'PTO stuff' I was not behind any of it, I disagree with government yes, it's a personal view and yes I am Pro-MDP but this will move me nicely onto my next topic.

What do you plan for the party?

Well I have been a part of all the major parties of eCanada and the eUK. I have witnessed first hand how they all operate and I know most of their key members.
The name 'Clan Wolf is stained and most people will agree with that. Over the years it has built up a reputation for being a 2-clicker party. With the recent accommodation of IPC I believe that the party name should change. I will do this if I am elected democratically and officially, with a vote and ideas from the members itself. The party has impressed me with its tough skin, I expected it to break a lot easier however it has proven a tough nut and this month seems only to have united the members more, something I always respect from a community.
I believe a name change would be a step forward to using the parties full potential and give a fresh start to the new year. I believe it would also be better not to use the words 'clan, imperial or wolf' in the name but that can be debated.
If I am elected I will push our members numbers, completely refresh the party charter and review where we stand.
I believe the party's main pro is its ideal of not using forums. I believe if we can push this idea out to our advantage we could further implement it to eCanada as a whole.


The logo has been changed again and again, if elected I will use my photoshop skills to do article banners, party logo's and more.

Who will get involved in the leadership?

Everyone. As my vice president I would be honoured if Oinyo would take the seat, and I would also like to include Foxfire and CptChazbeard if he remains in eCanada and Wingfield.
I DO NOT believe in a 'party elite'. Members will all be treated equally with correct respect and all given a voice. I plan to set up PM's like I did in my CP term in discussion of the party's advancement and standings. I will listen to anything people have to say as long as it is offered in a polite respectful manner. I give respect back to those who offer respect to me.

Where will we stand within other parties of eCanada?

Neutrality is the key to this party. MDP and CPF clearly have constant scuffles, I wish CW to be totally independent, with no biased opinions of any party in eCanada, we will be open to ideas, members and will not team up with any other party or reduced to bribes.

So there you go Clan Wolf, maybe not what you expected, I fully understand if you decide not to vote for me but I will be active over Christmas and devoted to making the party fun, the feed active and our media presence at large.
Thank you for reading and I appreciate your feedback.

Pat Harper