Out with the old and in with the new - CCP

Day 2,218, 17:49 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Greeting Canadians, as you may have notice I have been elected at the new Party President of the Canadian Communist Party (Ex-Clan Wolf).

Hugh has already given the formal article, he and myself will be working together to get this party on the road to progression and a better eCanada.

We shall focus on equality, moving away from forum usage in congress and pressing forward the glory of our great nation (huzzah)

A lot of people have been asking what about clan wolf, well simply it no longer exists and never shall in this party again. Moving backwards is not an option, we must work together to for a better party, I am no dictator I am here to put to use some of the wasted potential in the party.
If those who just can't stand it the door is open for you to go recreate clan wolf somewhere else.

I have been working on photoshop and created myself an avatar, if you would like one I will make it for free just PM me:

Great work Hugh for the article banners, I won't steal them all 😛

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