ONE is the loneliest number.

Day 1,518, 01:23 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob


I am writing this as a personal citizen and in no way in any role I currently hold. Just wanted to make this clear from the outset.

Firstly, yes, Australia left EDEN. I note that there has been a fair amount of discussion about this, and potentially this meaning we would then join ONE.

Frankly though I would like to state - WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE THINKING!

Just because we decided to leave a relationship that has been full of great sex and pleasure in the past, yet turned a little sour because they didn't enjoy doing it with us as equal partners, does not by any means mean we are now going to consider batting for the other team!

It just means, for now, we are looking after our own interests. Most bad romances end this way - you stay single for a while. And though we no longer enjoy the marathon sessions any more, doesn't mean we can't still be friends.

Yeah, I've heard lots of speculation and rumours - however, I don't think given it took a referendum to join EDEN, that any move to ONE will ever occur without full discussion as our own peoples, and then something a bit more forward than crap developed by other countries with an agenda.

So, just chill out people. If we are going to participate in some fun soon, and this is not necessarily with the full support with our ex boyfriends, this doesn't mean we are going to turn the date into something more physical.

Enjoy the good times!