NueveOcho's Magazine #2

Day 1,795, 11:14 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Hi y'all, today I release the magazine #2, I hope you all enjoy it

We'll start with the queen contest, the winner is...¡Capitan Segundo Redondo (CSR😎!, who posted a picture of Paz Vega, congratulations CSR8, you won 200 ESP.


The San Francisco 49ers beat the Seahaws thanks to an amazing HB Franck Gore who ran for 131 yds and recieved for 51 yds, and an powerful DE Justin Smith who recorded 9 tackles. Final score 6-13.

The Barcelona will face his next opponent (Dépor) without any of the starting defenders, since all 4 are injured.

Not all Serbians are evil, Miroslav Djukic PTOed Valladolid and now they are doing great.

The NBA is about to start, lets see what happens, hopefully the LA Lakers will win this year.


Ke$ha to release 'My Crazy Beautiful Life' book; amazing, as I didn't knew you could write. If you want to know how to act like a b*tch, you should buy it.

Aerosmith release 'What Could Have Been Love' video.

Elvis Presley edges out Cliff Richard as biggest selling UK male artist. The King was a music genious, no one was as good as him.

Don't you think that OPPA GANGMAN STYLE is getting old? At least I do, is getting really boring. Still better than Justin Gayber.

If you play a Nickelback song backwards you'll hear messages from the devil. Even worse, if you play it forwards you'll hear Nickelback.


Did you knew that RL Plato was homosexual, I think eR Plato may be homosexual as well.

eRepublik population according to NueveOcho

Brazil wants to invade Romania, can we say bye bye to the Asian Romanian Empire? I hope so.


For today I have an interview with Ronald Gipper Reagan, formerly known as Pizza the Hut, General Cartman Lee or Ajay Bruno, a AFA member and congressmen of eUSA.

1. How long have you been playing eR?
-Too long... April 29th, 2009.

2. What do you think about the changes in the last months?
-There are positives and negatives to it, but overall I think they have been for the better.

3. What is your opinion about Henry Pfeiffer Arundel?
-He is a detestable human being, needs to go on a diet, and has been a nuisance since I was a month old in this game. He likes to PTO and harass people in real life. He is definitely not a good guy, and not someone worthy of any power. I wouldn’t even promote him from fry cook to burger flipper.

4. Who do you consider the best and the worst CP of eUSA?
-The best CP of the eUSA, would be future President Ronald Gipper Reagan. 🙂 The worst would be Pfeiffer because he is a joke and should never of gotten in.

5. Many people call you and AFA Serbian PTOers, what do you think about that?
-I think it is laughable and ridiculous. I lose count of all the different groups in the AFA. If we are Serbian PTOers, then apparently the entire world is in on it. It is just baseless propaganda used by our enemies and the political elites who are trying to crush the greatest hope for real reform and change in eUSA history.

6. What is your personal opinion about the economy? Do you think it will last for long?
-The economic situation is dire, so something needs to change. I am not sure if it will last indefinitely.

7. Do you consider AFA as the main political power in the eUSA?
-AFA is without question the most powerful party. We of course have to deal with the combined forces of the three headed beast of AMP, USWP, & AMP, and INCI when they decide to help them, but we are the strongest individually.

8. In military terms, how do you consider eUSA?
-We could do a lot better. I would like to see us with a Polish-sized sphere of influence.

9. Which one do you consider your biggest archievement?
-I would say without question my role in building the AFA. It has been in the works for a long time and now everything is coming to fruition. When we succeed, and succeed we will, it will be the greatest change in eRepublik history.

10. What’s your opinion about iNCi?
-It would be an insult to the good name of trolls to put them into that category. They will use extortion, blackmail, threats, all for bleeding our nation of its resources. The people who brought them here should be eExecuted for their stupidity and treason.

11. Do you agree or disagree with the war vs Austria?
-I am not sure of the exact reasons surrounding it, but I voted no for the lulz.

Now a round of short questions

12. Which one is your favourite drink?
Regular Coke.

13. Use one word to describe the Yankees?
Winners. [With all the words you could use like fags, butthurts, pussies, retarded, gays, losers or douches, you had to use winners? WTF bro 😃]

14. Which country would you like to visit?

15. Favourite movie?

Thank you Ronald Gipper Reagan for your time.

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