Not resigning from cabinet because I'm a inner city hipster

Day 2,158, 05:47 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

Welcome Australia, I must admit the mass exodus in cabinet has been lulzy and the people that resigned in the public square only serve as a detriment to progress in Australia. So good riddance.

Now to all this stuff going on about TJ and Flatty. I could not honestly care less about your little lovers squabble and will continue to serve in cabinet with my new lease of life in a role that I really only found out about 5 minutes ago.

Flatty has been a long time comrade in the ADF and ACP, and I guess GGP. But it is incredibly easy to hate him at times as well. I have always thought we have had a bit of a friendly rivalry because we are a bit similar and have had similar aspirations, and I found myself a bit bitter when I lost to you in the election such and such ago. However, I still consider you as one of the people I admire most in this game so kudos for being of the few.

TJ, you're a good guy and I know you are feeling the pressure a bit but don't let that stop you mate, I will follow you in cabinet for the rest of the term or until you inevitably fire me for being slack.

Basically what I want to say is I will strive not to be involved in this boorish drama that is unfurling and act above unlike some of my former colleagues have.

Please prepare your anuses for the ridiculous amount of Education articles I will be thrusting up in there.

ballin' yo.

And only slightly very drunk.

(ps. TJ give me the passwords to the DoE org unless you have already given them to me which is very much a possibility).