North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ambassadors Needed!!!

Day 1,738, 10:51 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Today North Korea is re-establishing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the first time in over 8 months under President Alan Wong. Like before, I will serve as our Minister, and this organization's goal will be to spread diplomacy around the world to put eNorth Korea back on the map.

Today we are also happy to announce that we are actively seeking the help of you citizens to take up the role as ambassadors for your country. Your duty is to build a relationship in any way possible.You will contact the MoFA of the country of your interest and present yourself as well as your country. Then you will ask them where you are allowed to set up shop; whether that be a forum or an IRC. If you don't know who the MoFA is, contact the President, or ask in the IRC channels.
Also note that any matters of national security or proposed MPP/Alliances will be directed towards my Vice Minister MeiFawAn, who will automatically serve as the ambassador to eChina. I will also automatically serve eUSA & eSwitzerland.

However, We want diplomacy in the following countries.

eUnited Kingdom
eUnited Arab Emirates

Among others. Thank you, Apply now via PM