North Korea's unfortunate historic trends continue

Day 1,323, 20:55 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Well it appears as if we, North Korea are getting our asses handed to us in Pyongan. In this country, you can never be too sure whether what you are seeing is a legitimate military aggression by another rivaling, sometimes allied country, or an under the table signed, unknown training war; hell sometimes both, you all remember that surprise training war with Russia? Probably not, not a whole hell of you were there to see that classic moment in our history, it was a funtage of false promises and poor decision making, in my eyes Drago's only flaw as North Korea's supreme leader.
Here's the history lesson. North Korea was founded during a long prosperous period known as the Drago era, a glamorous and glorious period in which North Korea was stamped on to the map as EDEN's next and fastest growing industrial powerhouse. We had the cheapest weapons in the entire eWorld, a fast growing country with medium iron in one region (Hamgyong) managed to become one of the foremost economies in the world. We were exporting twice what Russia was producing, Russia had nearly 12 times the population of North Korea, and Russia just so happened to be the headquarters of the most powerful, and rivaling alliance to EDEN, PEACE Global Community. With nearly 10,000 citizens, Russia was the second most populous, and 3rd largest economy in the world. North Korea only had 650 citizens, mostly successful former Japanese entrepreneurs trying to make it big in the weapons market, and hell they were. One such man was OliGagnon, Japan's longest running public serviceman, their Minister of Finance. The Drago era was truly established a powerhouse economy based entirely off of an essential tool of warfare, what made us successful was our alliance with the United States and Canada, who were fighting off mighty Russia and the entirety of the PEACE alliance.
Afanasiy Drago was a very intelligent politician, a champion for the newly established alliance of EDEN, he made North Korea the second, and largest country in Asia to join the alliance. The problem, which actually helped our economy grow was that USA was being massively conquered by PEACE. Our Alliance with EDEN, and the closing of exports was the very action that put us on the map for Russia. They didn't care about us, not until our companies, as directed by the ruling City Party stopped selling their weapons to the public, which included Russians. Suddenly, North Korea was selling weapons to allies under the black market for solid growth. This massively increased the wealth of the nation, and increased production of higher quality weapons in the process. We had more gold than Fort Knox, and it was apparent that the cheap sales of these weapons on such a scale to USA & Canada was making an impact, because suddenly PEACE's conquest was stalling, because USA was producing more tanks.
It was this difference maker that made pushed Russia's president Parter to send a political takeover team lead by Smirnoff to take over congress, plunder our treasury, raise taxes, and cause massive economic havoc. Remember, this was before citizenship, they literally just walked on in, NK's population grew some 20%, all Russian thugs. With certainty that North Korea was going to be politically and economically raped by Russian PTOers; Drago did the valorous thing and went down by attack Russia to prevent such political turmoil, this was presented as a "surprise training war", but we all knew what was really going down, and the hatred fro Drago came from their lack of telling us what was really going on. Nobody seemed to notice. We can give Drago and his party credit for protecting our treasury, but later a Man by the name of Malta1990, one of the key-holders of the North Korea Reserve Bank, wiped it nearly clean, he betrayed all of us for his personal gain. From that point on, all hope was lost, and went into nearly 14 months of Russian occupation and political oppression by KasedY, an appointed official of Russia who became the governor of a liberated North Korea. We never lived on liberation for more than a few moths, KasedY always managed to cheat his way into control again. He retained strong control for 8 consecutive months, those 8 months Strasser and I worked diligently to keep a nationalist movement in North Korea, I continued to be party president, and we managed to keep Strasser in congress almost the entire time.
Strasser deserves all of the credit for where we are now, it was he who secretly made a pact with China. Each time I managed to get him into congress, he granted citizenship to people like Coldriver, the man and future president that would end KasedY's near 9 month reign over North Korea. With that victory, with the assistance of Chinese nationals, Strasser and I had proven to our City Party counterparts that the Communist movement was the only true nationalist movement in North Korea. During the City Party's reign, we were looked at as political failures, we only had 5% of the congress on average. Suddenly, after nearly 2 years of continuously fighting oppression, we found ourselves in control, and China was our deepest friend for helping us achieve sovereignty after so long of oppression. The rest of the history leading to our unfortunate downfall of a relationship with China is something all of you have experienced, but if you'd like me to explain how this came to be, I'll do so to clear things up. Just know, China is not our enemy, our enemy was internal.