New eCountries? [EN]

Day 1,959, 09:47 Published in Cyprus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

There are two places in the eWorld where there are very few countries and military activity: The Middle East and Africa. This can change if the admins started the creation of a few countries where there is a big amount of registered internet users:

eNigeria: there are 48,366,179 registered internet users in this country, most than some eCountries; with a decent game propaganda in this country a baby boom could be started and then with some foreign help a new eCountry could be born. It could have border with eBrazil, eSouth Africa, eVenezuela and eUruguay.

eKenya: with 12,043,735 registered internet users Kenya ranks among the top in Africa, due to it’s RL location it could have border with eSouth Africa, eIndia, eYemen, eAustralia and eSudan.

eSudan: they have 6,499,275 registered internet users. This eCountry could be a brigde between eKenya and eEgypt due to it’s RL location, and also it could have border with eSaudi Arabia and eYemen.

eMorocco: there are 16,477,712 registered internet users in this country. This country could have border with different countries like eSpain, ePortugal, eArgelia and eUSA.

eArgelia: this country has 5,230,000 registered internet users, the ideal borders could be eSpain, eTunisia, eItaly and eMorocco.

eTunisia: with 4,196,564 internets users, this country could have border with eArgelia, eItaly, eGreece and eEgypt.

eSyria: they have 5,069,418 registered internet users. This country (alongside eJordan) could make a big impact in the middle east as they can create bridges between many countries.
eSyria could have border with eCyprus, eTurkey, eJordan, eIsrael and even eIran.

eJordan: even though this country has a more limited number of users (2,481,940 users) its RL location can be essential to this eWorld area, as it has border with eSyria, eIsrael, eEgypt and eSaudi Arabia.

eYemen: with 3,691,000 internet users, this country could make more impact in the pacific area. eYemen’s ideal borders could be eSudan, eSaudi Arabia, eKenya and eIndia.

eVietnam: I know this country doesn’t belong to this area, but it can also be a good eCountry, as there are 31,034,900 internet users. Due to Vietnam’s RL location, it can be a bridge between eThailand, eChina, eMalasya and ePhilipines.

All data obtained from

Just in case the admins find this hard to understand lets say this way: more eCountries mean more fun, more fun means more players, more players mean more gold buyers, ergo, more eCountries mean more gold buyers.

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