My apology to Romper

Day 1,804, 13:26 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

As I said in this article, I was going to play a game of FIFA vs Hamturk.
Even tough we tied 3-3 the first game, I lost 4-2 the second one, therefore I have to apology Romper.
Why? Because of many reasons:
Name calling: like calling him Cryper, LOLper, Cryat or Cryatian.
Making fun of him, EDEN and eCroatia.
Asking him to cry me a river or suggesting him to buy me a 100€ gold pack.
Call him crybaby for telling Hamturk that I was trolling him.

So, I have to eat my pride and I will have to apology Romper for the reasons found above.

Mr. Romper,
I'm sorry for making fun of you, EDEN and eCroatia, so I'm sorry for the many manes I called you in many posts and comments.
This is just a game and shouldn't be any bad feeling between players, so I hope that you accept my apology.

You happy now hamturk?