My almost first two months in the UK!

Day 1,364, 11:38 Published in United Kingdom Turkey by Turkish Aviator Hero

So, now that I’ve been a citizen of the eUK for about two months, I thought it might be interesting to compare elife in eFrance to that of elife in the eUK.

(Yeah, I know , no one gives a shit about it, but I don’t care since it’s my newspaper 😃)

So lets talk about the different parts of this game.

First, and probably the most important, the community. At first in the eUK, I was like WHAT THE F***? I can post without being trolled just because my name is rems2a: it may sound stupid, but it’s something new for me because I made a lot of ( too many) enemies in France.
This is from my point of view, but I also need to point out that the UK Forums are far more active than the French ones: it makes the game more interesting.

Then the political life. It’s way more interesting here! In France we were blasé , we stopped having those debates about buying votes , TO and etc … so it’s really interesting to have a real political life and also some debates: for example, between those who support Strasbourg and those who just want to be a pro-ONE country. In France those debates are over and no one even thinks of leaving Terra… Kind of sad.
Also, I found an amazing party, ESO, that has such amazing and friendly people , I guess it’s why I enjoy this part so much.

Let’s talk about the economy part. Really easy to compare : the eUK has way more bonuses
than France and a bigger market.

The Newspaper/Media part : Same again: just look at the news in eFrance and here. More newspapers are so much more fun!

And to finish, maybe the only part where eFrance is actually better than the eUK, the Military part.
Since I joined the UKEF (yeah I have a big epenis) I get 16 tanks/day and I don’t have to strike with the others or to go on the IRC chans. When I told that to some French soldiers, they were like WTF ?
To sum this up, allow me to quote Iain Keers: “I've never seen a "MAKE 2 KILLS!"........"MAKE 3 KILLS".......type of strike with UKSF. At best, you'll have 3-4 people hitting together. In which case, are we an elite unit or are we just a free weapons for strong guys group? If the goal is just to give free stuff to people, then that's fine. But if you want an MU you need Coordination+Damage. Not just one of them. »

Anyways, it has been a really positive two months! So thanks eUK! I hope to have even more fun during the next two months!