Morning Edition: Blockers Take 7 States

Day 1,221, 23:56 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Morning Edition
Day 1,222 of the New World
Post Election Coverage
'Thank you' to all my readers yesterday.
Subscriptions jumped up 42, and 86 Votes is a 16 Shells record.
Current DoD
Official Results are posted.
16 Shells broke news that the District of Columbia race would be decided by a late snipe unseating incumbent Claire Littleton. Littleton lost DC by two votes to Blocker Naron.
Serbian Jovan Tekelija Wins Wisconsin over USWP Alexander_Auctoritas. 16 Shells followed this race all day.
In the Azores, Blocker Ronsil (running as iNCi) beat USWP Darrel Anderson 2.
Blocker Inwegen defeated USWP (Federalist) G0Pats by 7 votes!
BLOCKER SHOCKER!! Three Way Tie in Mississippi!!! Blocker (under iNCi) Torman Capek prevails in tiebreaker over USWP Princess Victoria by experience points.
Federalist and multi-term incumbent Talio Extremist loses tiebreaker in Baja to Blocker (under iNCi) xDavidX
USWP Jon Vontalmo lost an experience points tiebreaker to Blocker Results.
All other races went according to FEC Plan:
44 seats went to USWP FEC candidates
5 Seats went to iNCi
Election Recap
Early in the day it was obvious that no iNCi PTO threat existed.
This caused a brief lull in what is usually a day of excitement.
But things started heating up quickly.
16 Shells broke headlines about multiple plots unfolding throughout the day. There were efforts at stealing seats away from FEC-endorsed, USWP candidates from three different directions.
1: An alleged Serbian force sought Wisconsin
2: An eAmerican whose identity is known to 16 Shells offered a pile of votes to several Blockers
3: An undisclosed entity targeted DC in an apparent effort to unseat Claire Littleton
These stories played out throughout the day and into the evening. Results are being counted. Watch for 16 Shells continued Post Election Coverage.
eSouth Africa Update:
3 PTO efforts were afoot yesterday leading FEC to send help. SamGibz offered this update to 16 Shells readers: "We consider the ATO efforts to be a great success and we would like to thank the support offered to us. We were able to push 2 of the PTO'ers out of congress, one of which being the most dangerous, wanting to declare a war on eBrazil. Unfortuantly we could do nothing about 1 of the PTO'ers (Tarik) whom we will be watching very carefully. I would also like to thank you Gnilraps and your newspaper for your support!"
16 Shells would like to commend Rod Damon, Zyria, StuartShepard, Fionia, Pfeiffer and Teucer for doing all the heavy lifting at #ATO. Chain Shout some thanks.
16 Shells would also like to commend Rod Damon, Zyria, Glove and the Presidential Executive Team for striking a deal with iNCi that made it possible for FEC to focus on every single race.
16 Shells covered Election day with hourly updates from 3:00-24:00 eRep time. Continued Post-Election Coverage to follow.
Anyone who plans on playing eRep for a while should go here and vote for every item on the list.
16 Shells supports the eNASA Apollo Program
One-Stop source for Global War News
Stories carried over:
eTurkey proposes MPP with INDONESIA
MPP Passed
eBrazil about to lose MPP with Indonesia
Other News:
Lefty from Mulberry St throws hat into PoTUS race.
So does Who is Bobby Burch?.
Catch up on Congress here
Grain stabilized over night, now sits at @.05
while Q1 food dropped. Current offer .49
Stone is down to .07
My Thoughts:
One sad side effect of yesterday's FEC-controlled election was the loss of good old-fashioned campaigning. FEC did what was needed at this time, so you'll find no criticism of them in this newspaper. However the implications of what took place yesterday must be recognized. FEC-endorsed candidates did not campaign in the traditional manner. This made them easy prey for industrious blockers and for those interested in picking off a seat.

Most candidates sat back and let FEC take care of their campaign for them. I hope this lapse of intensity on the part of our incoming class of congressmen will not carry over into their term.

Lastly, you are sure to hear criticisms of the FEC saying that ultimate power rested with just a few who alone determined who would be seated in Congress. Wrong. FEC was charged with determining who would NOT be seated in this Congress. In that task they succeeded with aplomb.
