Message to A r a g o r n

Day 1,736, 15:18 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

You weren't around when everything went down. We actually went to eChina for help because we were tired of having the Russians & Belorussians spit in our faces. Yes, China a massive political influence over us, but the difference is that China actually gives a shit what we want, and what we have to say. The Russians raped our economy and told us to "Cry more, it helps". That was a quote by 4 time eNorth Korean president KasedY, who used bots to dominate elections. KasedY took allegiance to Russia, in fact, he worked for the Russian government. KasedY made it impossible for companies to survive in eNK by passing extreme tax rates on exports and income taxes, and this went on for over a year straight. So eventually, enough was enough, so we started making friends with outsiders to help rid the filth out of eNorth Korea. The Chinese saved us from that horrible trend.
Yes, the Chinese have a massive influence over our government, but at least it functions, and at least our elections are free again. Our economy functions too, are you going to complain about that too?

But no, China is not our government, but they are a big part of it, but only because we asked them to. Need I say more?