Mensch List - First Award Jan. 9, 2010

Day 781, 10:59 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

The Mensch List

There are many people in the eUS who toil away on a daily basis without much accolade. They don't do it for resume padding, their hard work is the fruit of a love of eRepublik and the eUS community. I resolved to create a personal list of people in the eUS who I believe best personify what it means to be a Mensch. This is the first article in what will be a weekly publication honoring a citizen of the eUS who is what the German Jews called in Yiddish, a "Mensch".

What is a Mensch?

From that great source of all things knowledge-related, wikipedia:

Mensch (Yiddish: מענטש mentsh, German: Mensch, for human being) means "a person of integrity and honor".[1] The opposite of a Mensch is an Unmensch (meaning: an utterly cruel or evil person). According to Leo Rosten, the Yiddish maven and author of The Joys of Yiddish, mensch is "someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being “a real mensch” is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous".[2]

The First Citizen to Be Recognized As a Mensch Is...

... drum roll please ...


I was looking through my friends list earlier this and noticed something interesting - Ligtreb was among my first friends. I'm willing to bet that this is true for many of us. Ligtreb has been involved with the Welcoming Committee for so long that he was doing it when I was a noob. My eRep birthday is May 26, 2009 which means that Ligtreb's been toiling away at the WC for over seven months helping new citizens get acclimated to the game, getting them food, and increasing our retention rate.

Not only has he been working for so long doing such important work, Ligtreb is also a "Nice Guy". I have never known him to get upset with people, never to be rude to people, never to lose his cool. He's always been willing to pitch in and help when asked wether it be with the Guns for Huns program, the Welcoming Committee or with the USWP, Ligtreb personifies what it means to be a Mensch.

I am very happy to extend to him the honor of being my very first addition the the Mensch List. May all the rest of those added follow his example.

Thank you, Ligtreb, and for being recognized as a Mensch please feel free to accept this image indicating for all to see that you are indeed, a Mensch:

More Menschs to Be Added Soon

FYI, you don't have to be male to be a Mensch, the term is gender-neutral besides coming from a Masculine German/Yiddish nound. You also don't have to be Jewish (although if you are you can brag to your friends about being one), speak Yiddish (who really does anymore?) or German (I'm looking at you, Herrn Sterling...). I am planning on this being a weekly award. I originally intended for this article to come out on Friday but I got waylayed by other things. No matter, semi-weekly it shall be!

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.